
Taking a mouthful of chocolate ice cream, Jana rolled his eyes as he felt the voice in his head retreat from the strong brain freeze. He didn't want to deal with it, or the other ones he could sense whispering right behind it. He wasn't surprised that they were starting to come back. He still couldn't figure out exactly who they were anymore, but he didn't have to. It was always his parents.

He was just finishing up the cone, handing the bottom to Tera after he removed all of the ice cream from it, when he noticed something that caught his attention.

The bridge was large. Long. And beginning to be covered by dark clouds as the distant storm began to roll in. His feet started moving on their own accord, but Jana was perfectly fine with the idea that grew in his mind like the approaching darkness.

Lightning soon began to guide him as it sparked and zapped along the bridge's metal fasteners. As he turned onto the sidewalk on it's left side and began to walk, he could see the rain coming in one giant cloud before him. It mercilessly soaked the opposite end of the bridge. Cars that drove by began to have their wipers on to fight off the rain, misting him with droplets until the storm finally met him near the middle. He stopped walking and closed his eyes, then tilted his head back, taking a deep breath. The air was cooling by the second, and with the addition of the water soaking him, Jana felt himself relax.

This is what it's all about. Just this.

Opening his eyes after a moment, Jana lowered his head and turned to his left. With little effort, he hopped over the safety barrier and onto the ledge. A strong gust of wind buffeted his body, but he easily stayed balanced on the small ledge as he stared down at the dark rushing water nearly one-hundred feet below.

What about Domino? His new voice asked hesitantly.

Jana didn't reply right away, because he wasn't sure what to say. Domino was... a positive, of sorts. But in the long run? He didn't know what the man could be. He liked to touch, and Jana hated being touched. He did like to fight and push him, which also wasn't that favorable, but at the same time, it was something that they ended up bonding over.

A quiet bark had him slipping from his thoughts to look to his left. Tera. The dog had ducked under the small risen part of the safety fence and was standing only a few feet away from him. Her tail was tucked and her ears were flattened, almost as if she knew what could have possibly been going through his mind.

Tilting his head curiously, he took a step forward, putting his bare toes over the edge of the small ledge. Tera did the same thing. "You can't come with me. Emmet wouldn't like that." He said as he turned and leaned over, picking up the dog, then dropping her on the other side of the barrier. Only, she was back by his side not a second later.

Frustrated, Jana took a step away from the edge and then turned to face the dog. "You can't come. You need to stay. He taught you that, right? Stay!"

Tera met his eyes and gave a mute whimper, the sound swallowed up by the building storm. He turned back to face the edge and inched forward, watching the dog mirror him from the corner of his eye.

Why didn't I bring her leash so I could just tie her up? He thought as he looked to his right, having noticed some type of movement there, too. What he saw, however, wasn't what he'd expected to see.

A... kid?

Facing the person further down the bridge, Jana narrowed his eyes, trying to see them through the pelting rain. They were clearly shorter than him, possibly around five foot five, maybe six. Not much else could be determined from how far away they were. Without thinking, Jana began walking toward the person. As he got closer and closer, he could tell that they were a male with short, dark hair. Maybe brown... or red? It was hard to tell with it being wet and having minimal light besides the artificial streetlamps scattered along the bridge ever few hundred feet.

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