Taking a look around, she eyed her surroundings. She had been so caught up in thought and talking to Sans that she hadn't really paid much attention to where they were heading. Aweing in amazement, she found herself at the mushroom cavern. It had been a long time since her last visit to this place and she had really missed it. The cavern was lit with a beautiful blue glow coming from the mushrooms and the reeds and tall grass added to the surreal feeling of the cave.

Kneeling down next to one of the mushrooms, she gently poked its head. In response, the mushroom whispered out with a small voice... "Are you sure..." Puzzled, she probed it again but it repeated the same line. Maybe the monster had brushed by it in a hurry.
Moving on to the next mushroom, she tapped it, "notify Undy..."

"Oh no..." She already knew how her Undyne acted and from what she'd seen of other monsters, she was not too eager to find out what this new Undyne would or could do. Besides, she had seen how Sans reacted to her visit before and that already gave her a pretty good idea. Remembering Papyrus, her mood only soured more. He had been extremely cruel and hold hearted. Almost like Papyrus' personality had completely been reversed. In the end, he let them go, but for how long? And If this world was supposed to be the opposite of each monster, than that would explain a lot of what she had seen of Sans.

Keeping her awareness of her surroundings sharp, she hastily crossed into the second room. Just as she entered, the room had darkened. Feeling around blindly, her fingers crushed up against a crystal, which reignited the spark of the other crystals, giving light to the path she needed to take. Taking long strides, she remembered to head down and to the left. The room dimmed slightly but before all light had disappeared she found the second crystal and gently tapped it. Once again, the crystals brightened back up. Just as she neared the end, a gentle voice echoed off the walls. Pulling up short, she listened intently. The song was very soothing and it coaxed her to seek out the source. As she neared the sound, she found herself at the edge of the river. Peering out, she caught sight of a boulder in the water with a monster lounging on top. Sensing her presence, the monster turned in her direction. She immediately recognized the monster to be Shyren but she looked absolutely beautiful. Her green hair was no longer clumped together, but instead it was braided and pulled off to the side. Her eyes were wide open and alert and she smiled warmly at her guest.

"Shyren! You're gorgeous!" The monster tilted her head to the side in confusion but her smile widened. Outstretching her hand, Shyren offered Frisk to join her. If she wasn't so terrified of the monsters in this alternate reality, she would have joined her friend in a heartbeat but with a sad smile, she shook her head and turned away. Shyren called out to her again but she ignored it. Besides, she had Undyne to worry about. With down cast eyes she carried on her way. This journey wasn't the same as before. In this realm, she didn't have any friends encouraging her on the way, she had danger lurking behind every familiar face and she had no idea how to restore everyone back into their original bodies. Lifting her head, she gasped to see a glowing red eye watching her from the shadows. As soon as she spotted it, the eye vanished. Perplexed, she carefully navigated to the area where she had seen it. Inside was a small clearing with a couple cactuses planted in the corners and after searching around, she found a stick. Picking it up, she twirled it in her fingers. Something about it felt familiar. Shrugging it off, she decided to bring it with her. Turning around, she exited the room, only she wasn't back in the mushroom chamber, she found herself in Hotland at a cross road.

"What?" Turning around, she entered back into the same room before exiting again but she was still in Hotland.

Was Sans watching her? Did he teleport her? Heading to the left, she kept her eyes peeled to her surroundings, wary of encountering a monster, but just like with Snowend, not a single monster could be seen. Stopping short, she found herself at Sans old sentry guard station.

UnderFell Sans X Readerजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें