He's My Best Friend Yet I Think I'm Falling For Him. [Chapter 3]

Comincia dall'inizio

I laughed and twisted in his arms. "Josh,"

He grinned. "Hello."

I playfully pushed him away.

He chuckled and started talking with his buddies.

Alicia nudged me and winked.

"Ali!" I commented.

She just laughed and put her hands up. "Just saying."

June and Summer came up to us.

"Hey." They called out.

June and Summer were twins.

They both we're medium-height, blond hair, blue eyes, and a very small figure.

They're usually around us.

We waved and waited for them.

"What's up?" I asked.

"Nothing really." Summer commented. "You guys?"

"Same." We answered.

We all talked for a while before the bell rung and we had to miserably walk to first period.

Luckily, I had mostly all my classes with one of those three.

In first period, I have Alicia, so I'm good.

We walked up the stairs and went to class.

"Ugh." Alicia mumbled, while the teacher was explaining something. "I hate math."

I nodded. "Me too."

I looked around the room.

To my conclusion, Noah isn't here.

Weird. . .

I shrugged it off and kept passing notes to Ali for half the class when Noah walked in.

He handed Mrs. Adams his late slip or whatever and came to sit.

Noah sat across from me while Ali sat next to me and some guy in front of her.

Right after he got his stuff out, he passed me a note.


I scribbled down: 'Why ya latee?'

'Didn't feel like coming to math class.'

I looked up at him and rose an eyebrow.

'Okayy. . Fine maybe not.' He truly answered.

'Thought not.'

He tapped his pen on my desk.

But before he could do anything, someone coughed.

Mrs. Adams looked down at us. "Would you like to say something to the class, you two?"

We looked at each other than back up at her.

"No." We both said.

"Mhm." She sighed and walked off.

We got in trouble everyday.

We laughed and continued passing notes for a while until second period.

But before we left, he whispered, "I'll tell ya later."

-Noah's POV.-

I kicked the door. "Dammit."

"Noah James!" My mother called from downstairs. "Stop kicking things up there right now!"

"Whatever." I mumbled to myself.

My dad and I, like usual, just got in another fight.

Well, my dad, is a drinker. A heavy one at that.

He always comes home and tries to either pick a fight with me or my mom.

Rarely with my little brother. But whenever he does, I'm always there for Dylan.

Dylan is my younger brother, obviously. He doesn't like watching his father almost beat the crap out of me or his mom but he can't do anything.

He's only 12.

I sighed and calmly walked downstairs.

My mom hurriedly walked over and placed a hand on my back. "It's ok, hun, he left for right now."

"I'm going to take Dylan to school now, ok?" I said with clenched teeth.

She nodded and backed away.

I went upstairs and barged in his room.

He jumped back but then sighed in relief when he saw me.

"Oh, it's you." He mumbled.

"Yea," I responded. "Sorry to scare ya, but I'm taking you to school."

He nodded and got his stuff.

I dropped him off and rushed to school myself.

'Crap.' I thought.

But, none the less, I walked in and got a tardy slip.

I slowly trudged my way up to math class.

It sucks.

I slowly opened the door and took the slip to Mrs. Adams then took my seat.

I could tell Izzy was staring at me. I'll tell her later.

She's one of the three people who know about my dad.

The other two are my friends, Jake and Dave.

I quickly passed her a note. Usual routine.

'Why ya latee?' She wrote.

'Didn't feel like coming to math class.' I wrote, praying she would believe it.

How wrong I was.

She looked up at me and rose an eyebrow.

'Okayy. . Fine maybe not.' I truly answered.

'Thought not.'

I tapped my pen on her desk to tell her something.

But before she could do anything, someone coughed.

Mrs. Adams looked down at us. "Would you like to say something to the class, you two?"

We looked at each other than back up at her.

"No." We both said.

"Mhm." She sighed and walked off.

We got in trouble everyday.

We laughed and continued passing notes for a while until second period.

But before we left, I whispered,

"I'll tell ya later."

- - - - - -Authorr:- - - - - -

So Sorrii If This Is Crappi Or Too Shortt; >.<

It's Like Fkn 5 Something In Da Morning & Mehh Bout To Fall Asleep.

SO. . Pleaseee:

Comment.Rate.BecomeAFan.? (:

Messagee Me Somethinggg.! :D

-D.N.H; <3.

He's My Best Friend.Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora