Chapter 5 Batcave part2

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P.O.V you
A elderly man you can only assume is Alfred opened the door. "Master dick" he said as he hugged Dick. He looked at you". You have grown up a lot since the last time I saw you, Come in." "Hey Alfred are th-". A red hair women cut him off at the site of us. She run towards me and hugged me so tight it hurt. She pulled me away and held you by your shoulders "I'm Barbara" she said with a big smile. "I figured"I said with a smile. "What is all this commotion" a boy said walking down the stairs.  "Tim come say hi". Tim looked at Dick "it's about time you came home" said Tim. Dick pulled Tim into a hug. After dick let him go he came up to you and smiled put out his hand "hi I am Tim". Took his hand "(your name) Greyson". A girl with blond hair walk down the stairs"hey Tim who's at the door." "Hay Stef come meet Grayson daughter". She looked puzzled at Tim. Then she walk down the remaining stairs and shake your hand. " Hey where's Bruce." "Down in the cave" Tim said as dick nodded. He gestured you to follow him. Before you left Tim stopped you " me, babs, and Stef are going to be in the game room if you want to join us later. You nodded your head " sound like fun" . You turned around to see dick waiting for you down the hallway. You caught up to him and walked down a couple of other hallway. "So this is where you grew up" he nodded. Looks bigger than what the comic describe. At that Dick smirked. we had reached the clock. your inner fan girl was screaming 'omg don't freak out STAY calm' you told your self as you walk into the elevator. Dick saw right through you. He put a hand on you shoulder " he will love you don't be nervous." You nodded " it's just a lot to take in". You heard a ding that snapped you back to reality. As soon as you got off then elevator you heard yelling. Dick looked at you to follow him. You stopped at a railing and saw a really pissed off robin. "TODD I WILL HAVE YOUR HEAD ON A WALL." Jason walk up the stairs towards you and Dick rolling his eyes. "Dicky bird" put out a hand for Dick to shake but Dick pulled into a huge. "Long time no see " Dick said as Jason pealed him off him. Jason now focusing his attention on you . He pointed at you with blank expression "is this" Dick nodded his head. He got down on one knee and looked up at Dick "she looks like you". You smiled. He got up and put out his hand you shook it. "Hi" you said he smiled and walk to elevator and before he got in turned around and tossed you a peace of paper. "If you need anything let know" you nodded you put the paper in your jean pocket. As you were going to walk down the stairs you saw Damian running up them and then tackle Dick. "YOUR BACK"  he was hugging him he got up and so did Dick. His eyes widened when he saw you. "Um- hi Dick what is a complete stranger doing in the Batcave". "She is my daughter" Damien look shocked he walk up to you and put out his hand for you shake which you did. "I will catch you up later" Dick said as Damian   nodded and walked around the corner. We finally walked down the stairs. You finally saw how big the cave was. As you walk down the stairs you saw the batcomputers it was huge . Sitting at the chair was none other than the big bat him self. "Hay Bruce" Dick said Bruce turn around in his chair. He got up and hugged Dick "well I was not expecting that" Dick pulled away. Bruce got on one knee and looked at you. "You look like your father" he said with a small smile. "So I have heard" you said nervously not knowing what to do. "Let me show you around the cave " . " well I already know the cave so I am going upstairs you two have fun" Dick walk away. Look at him nervously as you started walking. He showed you around you got along just fine he told you stories about your father and all the trouble he caused. At the end he stopped you and put a hand on your shoulder "I know this is a lot to proses but am here if you need me, you will alway have a home here at the manner." You nodded and surprisingly hugged him he hugged you back he smiled " thank you". You got in the elevator " tell the others I will be up in a minute". You nodded
A/nhay guy thanks for 100 reads I will try to update more as usual comment if you have any ideas 😎😎😎✌🏽️👍🏻

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