Regaining Consciousness

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Steve woke up to a blinding pain. His first instinct was to jolt up and see where he was but he knew that his wounds could worsen. His only solace was to clench his jaw and grind his teeth.

"Steve?" He heard a faint English voice beside him so he turned his head. She looked beautiful. "You're awake. Thank god."

She seemed relieved when her chest started heaving a little bit. Steve was just glad to see her unharmed.

"Peggy, are you okay?" He choked out. The bullet wounds made it harder to speak.

"Steve," She ran her fingers through his hair. "I'm fine. You took the hit for me."

"Looks like it." He laughed.

"You didn't have to do that."

"Well I didn't want anyone hurting you. I don't know what I'd do with myself if--"

Peggy shut him up by pressing her lips against his. She realized that the pressure might be too much so she backed off a bit.

"Ah! I knew this would happen!" Howard walked in with a big goofy smile on his face. Peggy pulled back, giving an audible pop when there lips parted. She pursed her lips and turned around to face their interruption.

"Howard, what a surprise." She said it sweetly but knew that if he made another comment, she'd be chucking her shoe at him.

"And a surprise indeed. I knew something was going on between you two."

"Is there a reason you're here?"

"Well I wanted to see how my buddy was doing but looks like he's well taken care of." Howard walked closer to Steve. "Good work."

Peggy slapped his shoulder hard. "You're a piece of work."

"And you're a masterpiece. Phillips needs us by the way."

"Steve, rest." He nodded then Howard and Peggy left.

"What makes him so desirable?" Howard said.

"Pardon me?"

"Why do you like him so much?"

"I don't. I was thanking him for saving my life."

"Peg, you obviously have a crush on him. Why not just accept that?"

"Because I don't and its war Howard. I can't go off into a romance that isn't permanent. It's the adrenaline."

"Adrenaline. Sure."

"Can you stop being a smug bastard for one second?"

"Nope, sorry. It's in the DNA." Peggy rolled her eyes and they entered Phillips' office.


"I want to know what happened out there." Phillips said.

"Oh come on Chester, you know I don't go out there."

"Howard you are here for a different reason so I suggest you keep your mouth shut."

"Sir, I suspect Hydra stormed the front gates. I'd say it was just a warning for something they're preparing for."

"Makes sense. Carter, call off the mission we were preparing for. We need to investigate this further."

"Yes sir." She opened the door and stepped out of the room.

"Now Howard," She could hear a box of metal being put on a desk. "Are these all of your flasks?"

The door shut and she went to the communications room to make an announcement.

"Attention: the meeting scheduled for tomorrow has been canceled until further notice. Other matters have come forward. You've fought well today, thank you for your bravery."

Peggy went back to the medical station. She found Steve talking to one of the doctors about leaving but they said he needed a few more hours of healing.

"Doc, I feel fine."

"Just a few more hours Captain. You can leave then." The doctor took his clipboard and left the room.

"I'm sick of being in hospitals." He admitted.

"Yes, sitting in a bed all day isn't ideal. Especially for someone in your position."

"What did Phillips want?"

"A whole run down of what happened. I think they're planning a bigger attack. What they sent was just a warning but Phillips decided he wants to investigate."

"Like he'll find anything." Steve laughed.

"No he certainly isn't Sherlock Holmes." Their laughing died down and Peggy took a step closer. "Thank you for saving my life Steve."

"Better me than you." They shared a smile.

The speaker turned on and they could hear Phillips' voice. "Attention: the mission that was scheduled for tomorrow is no longer canceled. The investigation is off and we need to fight back before they get to us. Thank you."

"I swear that man cannot make a decision."

"I'm going out with them."

"Steve you should stay and rest."

"They said I would be fine in a couple hours. I'm going whether or not they say I can't. I'm going to end this war."

"You won't be alone."


A couple hours later Steve was up and walking around. He read over the mission he would be embarking upon tomorrow with the Howling Commandos. They were going to stop a train because it was harboring supplies for Hydra. If they get these supplies, they'll definitely have enough ammunition to take out their base. It was a do or die moment.

Steve was going to end this war no matter what. He was chosen for this and as Peggy has said, "you were meant for more than this." He thought deeply about her words and knew she was right. He believed in her and she believed in him.

He walked by Howard's to check on the uniform he'd been fixing. It was back together and the his shield was polished. All of his gear was ready for battle, and so was he.



I'm sorry this chapter isn't as long as the others. There wasn't much going on in this chapter but the next one should be eventful. I'm also sorry it went up pretty late. I'm working on another story that I'll be posting to a fanfiction website when it's done. Sometimes it's hard to constantly write for one story because it gets boring to me but the next one should be interesting and I'm excited to write for it. Thanks for reading I hope you liked it:)

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