The Slip Up

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It was 0600 when Steve woke up. He had two hours to kill until Howard needed him. He went to the dining hall for breakfast with Bucky then after he'd go for a jog around the track.

"So what did you and the Queen of England do last night?" Bucky didn't know much about Peggy to give her a proper nickname.

"I walked her home, she thanked me, we said goodnight." His cheeks were a little rosy.

"That's it?"

"That's it." He repeated.

"Well I guess you could play the 'good guy card.'"

"What's that?"

"Oh come on Steve I've told you about this." He shrugged. "Alright well, you have to be a gentleman. All women like men who respect them and treat them well. As they should."

"Or I could just be myself."

"Yeah, I'd say you're a good enough guy. You'll have ladies lining up, especially with your new bulk. By the way, how are you doing?" They sat down at an empty table.

"It's weird to feel normal."

"You'll get used to it eventually."

"I hope. Maybe someday I can save you from a fight." They chuckled.

"Well I'm not stupid enough to get into one I can't win."


They finished their meals and Steve went for his thirty minute jog then a twenty minute shower. He would have ten minutes left before he'd meet with Howard. Steve went to find Phillips in his corner office. He had a secretary next to the door too. Her name was Private Lorraine.

"Is Captain Phillips in?"

"No he just went out for coffee you can wait for him." She didn't glance up from the newspaper.

"May I?" Steve gestured to the desk so he could sit on. She looked up and realized Captain America was in front of her.

"O-of course." Her devious grin was unsettling. Lorraine held up the newspaper she'd been reading.

"I read what you did."

"Oh that? That's nothing." He wanted to be as distant as possible.

"That's not what those men's wives would say." She got up from her desk and started walking towards him.

"I don't think all of them were married." Steve crossed his arms.

"You're a hero."

"I was just doing what had to be done."

"The women of America owe you the thanks. And seems they aren't here at the moment." She grabbed his tie and dragged him to the back corner to kiss him. He felt uncomfortable and in shock so he was about to pull back until he heard a familiar voice behind him.

"Captain! We're ready for you if you aren't otherwise occupied." She stormed off and Steve trailed behind while wiping Lorraine off his lips.

"Agent Carter, wait."

"Looks like finding the right partner wasn't so hard after all."

"That wasn't what you thought it was."

"I didn't think anything Captain. Not one thing. You always wanted to be a soldier and now you are, just like all the rest." She shot daggers at him and he tucked his tie in.

"Well how do I know you and Stark haven't been fonduing?" She turned around to him and her lips looked tight like she was holding in her scolding.

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