Catalina stares at Jack worriedly before running out the door with the other three horsemen.

"Okay, let's do it," Merritt says walking down the stairs. "Ladies first."

Catalina turns to face her brother. "You heard him, Daniel. Ladies first."

Daniel rolls his eyes and goes in. says, Henley following after. Catalina looks at Merritt. "Ladies first," he tells the young girl, making a gesture towards the chute.

Catalina rolls her eyes. "Chicken," she mumbles before sliding in.

The four magicians meet outside and get into a cab, driving off, leaving Jack alone in the apartment. Catalina looks out the back window, hoping to see any sign of Jack but sees nothing.

Jack stands infront of the fireplace burning the left over papers. A crackling sound and smoke fill the apartment.

Jack quickly climbs onto the top shelf on book case as he watches Dylan and Fuller walk into the apartment with their arms raises and guns in their hands. Jack slowly climbs off of it and runs to the hallway, missing Fuller by the second.

He quietly walks behind the Agent that tried to arrest Catalina yesterday with a rag in his hands. Jack shoves the rag in Fullers mouth and take off Fuller's jacked before twisting his arms around it and putting it into the garbage disposel in the sink.

Jack whips off Fuller's belt and wraps it around Dylan's wrist taking the gun out and throwing it at Fuller's balls. He quickly kicks Dylan and hits Fuller in the face with his own belt.

Jack slams Dylan into the refrigerator before ducking under a table and rolling to the other side of the room. Dylan pushes the table towards Jack attempting to corner him but fails as Jack jumps over it and tackles Dylan.

Jack then grabs the handcuffs from Dylans pockets and chains him to the chair.

"You little shit!" Dylan tells Jack.

"You little shit!" Jack repeats.

"What game are you playing?"

"What game are you playing?" Jack repeats, still mimicking Dylan.

"We're all good at six, move to seven," Jack says immitating Dylan's voice.

"Copy that," one of the FBI's reply. "Going to seven."

Jack throws the walkie talkie in the fire. "Hey!" Dylan yells. "Come here!"

Jack quickly grabs the paper with the blue print. He throws hash paper at Dylan who now has a metal pole. Jack snatches the pole from his hand and throws it but Dylan kicks him making him fall into the curtains which Jack expertly escapse.

Dylan grabs Jack as he jumps over him and throws him to the floor. Jack lays on his stomach and looks at the pole and deck of cards infront of him. Dylan grabs the pole and walks towards Jack.

"All right, whoa, hold on, hold on!" Jack says before pulling cards out.

"Really?" Dylan asks.

"Yup,"  Jack replies before throwing them at him.

"Ow! Oh, you... Ow! You little..."

Jack runs out the door and down the shoot.

"Shit! Shit!" Dylan yells before following Jack.

"Give me that!" Dylan yells trying to take the paper away.

Jack grabs it and jumps over Dylan before running out the door and into an alley.

Jack runs down stairs and out to a car, he grabs the owner and punches him and his friend before putting handcuffs on them, taking their keys and running to the car. He drives away, Dylan chasing him for a few feet.

"Guys, this is disgusting," Catilina tells them as they look for a body in the morgue. "And not to mention freezing."

"Do you wanna help Jack or not?" Daniel asks his sister.

Catalina glares at her brother. "Of course I wanna help Jack but I could've helped better if you let me stay with him."

Daniel shakes his head. "No, that's too dangerous."

Catalina huffs. "I need to get out of here, the smell of death is killing me," Catalina says chuckling. "You get it? Because we're.."

"Yeah, we get it Catalina," Daniel says.

Catalina glances at Henley and Merritt and sees them shake their heads. "You guys have no sense of humor," Catalina huffs before pushing the door and walking out.

"We're coming to you live above the FDR," Catalina hears a newscaster on the tv say. "Where NYPD and federal agents, as you now see, are engaged in a high-speed pursuit, following a black sedan."

"Oh my gosh," Catalina whispers, her eyes wide. "Guys," she runs in the morgue. "We need to hurry up," she says frantically. She quickly grabs part of the body bag and helps Merritt carry it out of the morgue and into the car. "Let's go, let's go!" She yells, worried for Jack. She turn on the radio as Daniel drives off, Henley and Merritt in different cars.

"We're now trying to get you a better shot," the newscaster says. "It looks like they're turning onto the 59th Street Bridge. As soon as we have them within range, we will bring you those pictures live."

"Okay, okay," Daniel says passing by Jack's car and trying to switch Dylan and Alma's attention on to their cars.

Henley then moves in as well doing the samething Daniel did. Merritt, who is driving a bus,  releases the car with the dead body. They all watch as the car slams into the wall and flips over.

Catalina sighs in relief happy that their plan went well and that Jack is safe. Catalina looks back and watches Dylan trying to get "Jack" out of the car. The sight of him and the car getting smaller and smaller as Daniel drives away.


THE MAGICIAN ━ NYSM | ✓जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें