Chapter 16: Restoring And Making Friendship's.

Start from the beginning

"Okay." So many thought's are going through my mind. I do not know what to feel first: Betrayal, sadness, happiness or... Relief. I do have family in this world. 

"Alexandra, Are you okay?" Magnus ask's quietly.

My body feel's heavy, my heart bruising my rib cage yet, fixing it's self slowly. Lifting my gaze to Magnus' eye's, a soft smile spread's on my lips. A genuine smile. "I need to see him." the determination ring's in my voice. 

"Alexandra you can-"

"Yes I can. I want to see him. I need to see him." courage and bravery erupt's my spirit.

A grin spread's on Magnus' feature's showing he want's to do this too. "You know this could be dangerous. He doesn't know you exist."

"He will have to get use to me existing won't he." A smirk replace's my smile, my eyebrow cocking up.

Magnus laugh's out loud collapsing onto the sofa beside me. "Little Miss Stubborn. I will tell you about him after I get back from the institute. Happy birthday by the way." he wink's leaving the loft. "Watch the loft for me." he yell's from down the hall. 

I slump back onto sofa, covering my face with my hand's giggling. 

I have a brother.

Alec's POV


My parent's were in the circle.

Punch Punch

They got away with it.


They want me to marry.

Punch punch punch

Why are they doing this to me?! I have obeyed all the rule's. I have worked my ass off to make them proud of me but I guess Jace is right. My best isn't good enough.

I felt another presence in the room, forcing me to stop my power hitting the bag. I turn breathing heavily, my chest raising and falling rapidly.

"Magnus." I walk over to the bench to slip on a jacket, as I had taken my shirt off about half way in my session from sweating. Noticing Magnus checking me out, I gave him a weird look (Not a dirty look by the way.)

 "Okay, I'm back." He looked disappointed as he saw me slipping my arm's into my jacket. "Oh, you don't have to get dressed up for me." Magnus roll's his eye's and mutter's "Fine, but I liked what I saw." What is his point? Taking a deep breath he continue's, "I have the preliminary autopsy findings." Finally.

"Why are you giving this to me? This should go to the head of the Institute." Confusion taking it self upon my feature's.

"And it is." he state's matter of factly.

"I'm not. And I never will be." I alway's doubt my self, because it is true. "Magnus, it's like it's like my whole life has been a lie. Now, everything I've ever known is - It's not what you thought." I sigh releasing my thought's, "I've done everything for my parents for the Clave and-" I breath in heavily and begin to stutter, "I've done everything that they've asked."  exasperated I finish my rant.

"Maybe you should start living for yourself." I look up to meet his gaze, "Do what's in your heart." What if what is in my heart, is too strong?

"I can't believe I'm saying this. I think you're right." I sigh deeply. 

This is so wrong! I can't do this to her. But it is what is right.

Alex's POV

The Archer And The Bookworm Alec LightwoodWhere stories live. Discover now