I pull up the jeans and no, they won't work. My feet are swallowed because of Logan's tall self and my petiteness and if I don't hold it up on my waist they fall. I sigh "whatever" I pull them off and fold them, placing them in the hollowed out tree

I'm only going back home and hopefully I'll slip in without being noticed. As I walk over tree limbs and into the lush grass, slipping through dense trees, I hold down the shirt so it doesn't ride up too much. I don't notice a uprooted root from one of the trees and my foot catches on it. I gasp and feel myself falling rapidly, my hands break my fall and I feel a breeze on my butt.

I wince and scurry up, pulling down the white shirt over my exposed behind. My god I can not stop embarrassing myself. I look down at my hands to see a few pebbles imbedded into my skin, a little blood coming up from the cuts. I groan and wipe it off on the T-shirt, well he won't be getting this back.

I rub my hands together, picking out the last few pebbles. I pick up a familiar scent and I quickly turn around to try and find the owner. I don't see anyone so I continue, picking up my pace. I look over my shoulder and then back again to see the last person I wanted. Alpha.

"Shit" I accidentally say out loud

I quickly hide behind a tree and hope he doesn't see me. I can't handle another embarrassing moment with him in the matter of 48 hours. I breath quietly and try to keep my heart rate down, praying he turned his wolf hearing off...but unlikely. The bark of the tree rubs annoyingly against my skin and it's rough on my hands as I clutch to it.

I hear his footsteps and I close my eyes, if he sees me in this I don't know what I'll do. His steps narrow in on me and soon I feel his warmth surround me but I'm afraid to open my eyes.

"Look at me" his voice shakes my inner most being and I jump at his words

I open my eyes to see him starring into my soul, he's just as handsome today as yesterday. His dark hair is messy and I have to physically hold down my hands to keep me from touching it. His molten eyes are so illuminating they make me want to look away. Something about the way he creases his brow and clicks his jaw makes everything about his even more intense. "I'm sorry Alpha" I say in a squeaky tone, my instinct to not look directly into his eyes

"What are you doing out here?" He asks in a flat tone

"Nothing, I was just going-"

"Do not lie to me" his voice goes deeper with each word that leaves his lips

I stay silent a moment "I went for a run" I say hardly above a whisper, my eyes trailing down to the ground

"Alone?" He asks, anger raising in his chest

"Yes Alpha" I nod

When he doesn't respond I hesitatingly look up at him through my lashes. His golden eyes move down my small body and my eyes move to my chest. First my bra and underwear now just a plain white T....great. I cross my arms and move to the side a little praying this shirt isn't see through "Then why are you wearing another wolves shirt?" He demands and I wince at his question

"I um....I forgot to bring a change of clothes and I shredded my other ones" I tell him honestly and a little embarrassed

"So you wore your boyfriends?" His tone changes completely from moments ago and I actually have to look at him to see if he's joking

I tilt my head "No this is my friends" the more I look up at him the smaller I feel

"Good" he says simply and I look away, ashamed "what happened?" He asks and when I peak up at him through my lashes he's looking down at my hands

"Oh, I fell" I tell him seeing the dried blood

His hands come into view and he grabs my hands with his. I pull back almost immediately "what-"

"Don't pull away from me" he demands, gold eyes turning dark  "let me see" he says, this time softer. He takes a step closer to me and if it were anyone else I would have moved away but my feet are tied to the earth under me. I take a breath and the only thing I smell is him, it's better than the smell right after a thunder storm, or the smell of a fresh forest, or a blooming field of flowers. He places out his hand, waiting for mine.

I hesitantly place my hand in his, his thumb travels over my palm and I feel my breaths becoming more shallow and my heart pounding. His tough and large hands holding my small and smooth one, it feels like a perfect puzzle. "You'll live" he says and from his tone again I don't know if he's joking

But I still smile "I figured" I laugh a little and his eyes shoot up and to my lips

He clears his throat and shakes his head, moving away from me, his strong scent no longer surrounding me "please return back to your home immediately, no one can see you like this" again his tone changes and I raise an eyebrow but nod, I can't decide if I want to agree with his statement or be hurt by it

"Yes Alpha" I wait for him to walk away but he just continues to stand and stare. I inwardly curse and turn from the tree, as I walk away I feel his eyes blazing into my back. I hold the shirt down and tight, praying it hides enough of my butt.

I start to think about yesterday and cringe at the thought, my cheeks turning shades darker, giving me color in my pale face. "Alpha" I speak without realising, my eyes widen but I turn to him and continue "I um....just wanted to apologise for yesterday" I say softly

He raises an eyebrow and emotion crosses his face, a smirk grows on his beautiful full lips and I almost have to look away from how hot that is "don't" he turns away before I can say anything else, my eyes widen as my brain already starts to wonder what he meant

I walk back to my house in a blur, my mind trying to unreel and figure out our new alpha. What did he mean when he told me not to apologise for him seeing me like that? Or not wanting anyone to see me like this?

I shake my head and slip into the back door, I race up stairs before anyone sees me and step into the bathroom. While in the shower I go over the whole conversation in my head, playing out everything he could mean. I run my finger tips down my other hand remembering the feeling of his hand cuckooing mine...and how good it felt. Does he hate me? Did he really care if I was hurt or was he just doing that as an Alpha? I honestly can't tell.

I take my hands through my darkened silver strands, droplets of water still spread across my pale skin. I wipe my hand across the fogged mirror and stare at my reflection. My wet hair falls across my back and shoulders, my pouted lips look redder against my flushed face, the cut on my lip from when Victoria hit me yesterday already healed. My eyes grey like the moon sparkle like the stars. After a run I feel so much better about myself.

My eyes are ripped from the mirror and my heart is practically ripped from my chest as a pounding on the bathroom door starts "hurry up I need to get ready for dinner!" I hear my Sister yell and I tilt my head and clutch to my towel

I open the door "where are we going?" I ask she she storms past me

"No where dummy, the Alphas coming for dinner" she says already digging through her makeup bag

My eyes widen and the air leaves my lungs "he's what?" I ask out of shock

She huffs "he's coming for dinner" rolling her eyes she turns to me "whatever you do do not embarrass me or I will kill you" she snears and I walk away, into my bedroom

Shit. He's coming here? I think seeing him once today was enough for me...yet something inside my chest feels warm at the thought of being in his presents again.

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