"What's wrong?" He mumbled before picking up the pancakes and filling my plate as he filled his own, he looked at me for a brief moment before picking up the chocolate syrup. For a moment there I thought that I slept through the whole damn day and whatever happened was actually my dream

"How are you?" I mumbled and he looked at me with smiling eyes

"Never been more better" he answered as he handed me the syrup and put the forkful in his mouth, I looked away in confusion

"I came to your room last night, you slept early" he said and I felt he was drilling holes in my skull from side making me so self conscious at the moment that he can read my expression

"Yeah! I slept early" I put the forkful in my mouth immediately and everyone at the table was silent, making me more nervous.

Talk about awkward meals

"Let's make a toast to our commercial shoot that came out" Alex raised the mango juice glass and everyone cheered raising their glasses

"And to Jasmin, for not abandoning us" Liam tucked out his tongue teasingly and they all hooted I couldn't helped but I chuckled

"To Alex's winning email" Niall blurted out and I looked at her, she got pale at once

"What a low blow Alex" I got up to leave but Harry held my hand

"No he meant, when I read your email..." Alex tried to save the moment but when I looked at her she looked down

"You were making the wrong decision Jas" Alex added in a low voice

"I'm doing what should be done Alex, please let me go Harry" I said annoyingly but when I looked at Harry he was looking at me with pleading eyes and I couldn't be more stubborn, he steered me back to my chair and everyone at the table sat quietly

"You were really leaving?" Harry asked politely, I stayed still not having any eye contact I kept looking at my empty plate, I dabbed my mouth corner with napkin awkwardly before leaning to the back of chair to have a support, because I was trembling that moment for unknown reason

"We can't live under one roof once we break up" I answered politely as I looked down in my lap, while trying to fold the napkin

"Who's breaking up here?" Harry asked amusingly leaning back at his own chair, I was wishing that we were alone that moment but we had nothing to hide from lads. They all started to get up at once to leave, as if they read my mind

"Sit down guys, we have nothing to hide from you all" Harry stopped them and they all sat down awkwardly, I looked up in his eyes and he held my hands

"You guys might wanna have this conversation alone" Alex mumbled quietly and we both looked at her whilst she looked down sheepishly

"All is said Harry, we have nothing more to talk about" I said and when he said nothing I quietly got up to leave

"Stop doing this Jas" Harry said annoyingly as held my hand again and I stopped to say one last thing to him

"This is happening Harry, accept it" I kept my face towards the door to leave immediately as he leaves my hand, but his grip grew tighter around my wrist and I didn't insist on leaving

"I'll find another place, till this album completes as per the contract I can leave this job later" I said through tears

"you can't leave me after what I just did last night" Harry said and I turned around to see his face, quiet familiar with the limits of his idiocy I got worried at once

"You did what?" I wiped my face with other hand and I frowned at Harry who was looking at me pleadingly

"You might wanna sit down for that" Alex said and I was wondering what it could be that everyone knows of and I don't. Harry smiled quietly at me as he steered me back to my chair

"What is it Harry, what did you do now?" I asked worriedly

"Drink water" Harry offered me glass of water and I placed it back on table

"Are you okay?"

"As I said earlier, I've never been more better" he held both my hands as he leaned in closer to my face, my heart was pounding out of my chest

"Turns out you can't leave me after all" Harry kissed the top of my hands nervously

"Oh come on! You're bad at this" Louis mumbled

"Come to the point" Liam mouthed

"What's going on Harry, just say it before I pass out on the floor" I said in one breath

"I turned Muslim yesterday" Harry looked down at our intertwined hands

"You did what?" Out of surprise, I shouted as he looked at me with puppy eyes, I remember I didn't blink for a minute there, and my heartbeat was going haywire

"I can't believe it, oh my God" I held my temples and I leaned back picking up the glass of water he offered me before I gulped down in one take

"Calm down" He held my hand again and rubbed the back of it, I just looked at him dumbfounded for the couple of minutes silently

"How can you be so stupid?" I yelled at him

"And they say women aren't complicated" Niall murmured and when I looked at him he looked away


"Nothing" he sheepishly looked down folding his arms on table

"Harry! You didn't think it was necessary for you to talk with me before taking this decision?" My voice was starting to get annoyingly squeaky

"We fought, and you were all about breaking up with me" he sheepishly mouthed looking at our hands

"And you thought it was the best way to get away with the fight? It wasn't a fight by the way Harry" I held my temples and stayed there silently

"I love you Jas" he mumbled and I looked at him as I sighed heavily

"Harry! It was a big decision" I cupped his cheek and he closed his eyes to devour the touch

"You have more things to focus on, you have a while life ahead of you and you took this decision out of fear that you will loose me...you took this decision for me" my voice started to shiver as my eyes welled up, he held my hand near his chest and I looked in his eyes through tears

"Jas! I know this is a big decision and I know I have a life ahead of me, but I want to spend it with you, I may have other things to worry about but I want to worry less, with you, I didn't take this decision in an hour or so, I knew I'd have to do this one day when I fell in love with you, it's all worth it Jasmin, because it's you" Harry's eyes were teary and I placed my palm on his chest, his heart was pounding. I couldn't say anything but I leaned it forward to hug him, he kissed the side of my neck as I cried in his arms

"You guys" Alex cried and Liam hugged her

"I love you Harold! I'm fucking terrified but we're together" I dried his cheeks with the back of my sleeve and I kissed his cheek

"Let's do this" Harry pecked my forehead before pulling me into another embrace

Truly Sincere [Part 1]Where stories live. Discover now