Baby Blues

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I stared down at my practise paper, as my bed creaked.

Granite is an example of which type of rock?

How am  I supposed to focus on revision when all I can think about is the incoming baby. I really want it to be a boy because 1, I might not have to share a room with it if it is a boy and 2, my stepsister Lacey is a brat where's my stepbrother is an angel (at least when I'm around). I looked at the clock, 7:09pm. I'd been sat in my room doing work since half six after mum told me about the baby. I quickly circled Sedimentary, I guessed. I never listen or do well in science so it is so unfair that I have to take it.
"Nova, come down for tea please," shouted mum up the stairs. It was strange normally she would come into my room and tell me herself rather than shouting up the stairs. I decided to ignore her. She always ignores me. Happily, I closed the textbook next to me and my practise paper, grabbed my earphones and put them in full blast.

Two minutes later my mum burst into my room.
"Nova, I have been shouting of you to come down to tea for ages come on," said mum after she pulled my earphones out.
"I'm not hungry," I said as I put my earphones back in. I heard her say fine and walk out. Good I thought she's gone. I could finally get some 'work' done. Work which included playing on my Xbox and face-timing Hannah.

I woke up to mum shouting, I guess I must of fell asleep whilst watching Netflix in bed. Quickly I looked at my phone 1:38am. I decided to see what mum was shouting about.
"Maybe I don't want a baby I mean I'm scared David and with what happened with Nova I don't know if I can go through with this," she yelled from the kitchen. Suddenly I remembered what mum was on about and I immediately felt scared too...

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Amy Xx

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