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ikook unblocked itae

ikook: I sill don't forgive you

ikook: is this how you treat your life????

ikook: I don't even know how many days you have left, but all I know is that I won't you to be in my arms

ikook: I want us two to cherish our moments together hyung

itae: kookie

itae: I have something to tell you

ikook: what??

itae: I only have 3 weeks left baby

ikook: what...

ikook: you mea-

itae: yeah, I'm going to be with the tars we were talking about earlier

ikook: this...



ikook: I hate it

itae: jungkookie, I know I said his many times

itae: I love you ❤

ikook: please don't go

itae: you can come after school and cuddle with me

itae: baby boy

ikook: I just... fuck

ikook: I have so many questions

itae: you can ask while we are cuddling baby boy 💘

PLEASE, STAY WITH ME ― TAEKOOKWhere stories live. Discover now