Karim Suliman on A Cruise In The Orange Ocean

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MONDAY (25 JULY, 2016)

TALK 1: Karim Suliman (Karimsuliman) on A Cruise in the Orange Ocean

Hey there folks!In case it's your first time to e-meet me, my name is Karim Soliman aka Karimsuliman on Wattpad. I'm a member of Wattpad Stars Program, through which I managed to publish a short story in Simon and Schuster's anthology of "Imagines". I also had an amazing opportunity to write a 5th Wave novella for Sony Pictures as part of their promotional campaign on Wattpad for their movie 5th Wave. My Sci-Fi book "Bermuda" enjoyed some decent time on top of the Sci-Fi and Action Hotlists. "The Warrior's Path" has become a featured fantasy book. So, as you see, my second life on Wattpad is not bad so far.

But that wasn't the case three years ago when I joined the orange community. I started with zero followers. My first book had zero reads, zero votes and zero comments.

And what did I do in those three years to change that? Everything. 

I knocked all doors my hands could reach to get my story noticed. Right doors and wrong doors. Unfortunately, these doors were not labelled to know which was which, so I learnt the hard way. Trial and error. AND observation. That's why my Wattpad experience was a bit rich; because I was able to connect the dots, and link the cause with its effect until I managed to grasp the rules of the game.

How is your journey on Wattpad so far? Doing well? Excellent. I'll really appreciate it if you share your insights with us to enrich this session.

 Do you feel you're exerting too much effort without getting the results you're expecting? I hope my two cents about my little cruise might be of help.


So, do you think you have an enticing story? Check. 

Bearing in mind that we have like 200 million books floating in the orange cloud, how do you think your potential readers will find you?

A miracle? Sure, it will do. But just in case your miracle is a bit late for any weird reason, you should take the reader's seat for a few minutes to get the feel of his/her treasure hunt on Wattpad.

First of all, 90% of Wattpad activity is on mobile. So, you can safely assume that 90% of Wattpadders are app users.

 Which means, they NEVER check any club threads. Sorry to disappoint you, but the pinned threads of "Share Your Story Here" in all clubs are useless.

Below is the screen your potential reader is most probably (probability=90%) browsing right now. That's the spot where you want your story to appear.

 That's the spot where you want your story to appear

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    Or this one between chapters 

    Or this one between chapters 

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