"Yes, why?" I snap back him because he obviously doesn't realise that I'm trying to revise.

"I don't know. I'm curious because there is still a lot we don't know about each other and yet, in a month, we'll have a baby together. I don't really know what it is you want to do in life." He says to me and I realise that is true.

"I've always loved to dance. Ever since I was little it is all I have ever been really passionate about. I went to specialised dance lessons while I was in primary school, ranging from ballet to ballroom. I loved it all. Then one day I watched this documentary on dance schools in the USA and fell in love with this one in LA. I was about seven years old and I wrote them a letter telling this school that I want to go there. I also sent them a video of me dancing in a competition at that age. I was very determined." I tell Cory with a laugh. "A couple of months later I got a letter back from them saying how they couldn't accept me because I was too young but they were impressed with me. They told me to keep sending them videos on an annually basis.'

And then when I started high school I saw that the school had dance team and I signed up straight away. It's where Laura and I first started talking to Maddie. The three of us loved it. I made sure to never miss a rehearsal and I would take part in all the shows. Partly because it is what I love to do and also for one major competition in year eight I found out that this LA school had sent a scout out to watch. In a letter they sent me, that following winter, they told me they would accept me into the school once I had turned eighteen, assuming I still wanted to go. I've known since then that that was my goal. To get to that school and to make sure I got there I would stay on here where they have an excellent dance team and I would also be able to take dance as a subject once starting sixth form. But now everything is looking less likely." I tell my tale to Cory. He watched me say every word, never taking his eyes off me for a minute.

"Don't tell yourself it's all over just yet. You never know, you might find a dance school you like closer to home or in a couple of years you might be in a position to go to LA. Nothing is impossible; you just have to believe you can do it."

"I have believed in it for so long and now that's fading away. Anyway, what about you? What is your big plan in life?" I close my textbook, knowing that I'm not going to get any work done for the next few minutes or so.

"Good question. I'll let you know once I have figured it all out."

"No that's not fair. I have just told you everything. You have to tell me something even if it is something ridiculous that you wanted to do when you were four."

"Well at one point I wanted to be a vet but then changed my mind after my old cat had to be put down. My parents originally told me they were taking Sniffles, the cat, to a care home for cats. I assume they were trying to make the pain easier. Instead I insisted to go with them and I was that stubborn they took me. We got to the vets and when we were seen to I was so shocked about what was happening. I used to think that vets only made the animals better, I never thought of them having to put animals down. Ever since then I have never wanted to be a vet." I don't really know what to say to him in response.

"That sounds traumatising. How old were you?"

"Fourteen." He replies back in a serious tone. I unintentionally raise an eyebrow at him in shock. "I'm kidding. I was six. I think the vet was more shocked that my parents brought me with them. I have to say it was pretty scaring."

"I'm glad I've never had any pets after that horrible tale." I say to him which makes him laugh.

"Yeah, we haven't had any since then."

"I can imagine. Your parents probably don't want to scar you anymore." I laugh at him before revising some more.

The next day is the hottest day of the year so far which is bad enough when you have to wear a school uniform that includes a blazer but is even worse when you're eight months pregnant. The exam hall is hot and sweaty and it looks like the invigilators don't want to be there. Nobody does. The only small comfort is the exam going well. It is an easy paper where I answered every question confidently and other people seemed to think the same too. I'm not kidding when I say that was the only comfort.

Fingerprints ( #1 BOOK IN THE SERIES )Where stories live. Discover now