Chapter 14

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I looked at Quinn. Is he really standing in front of me right now? He bent down a little to look me in the eyes. "Are you okay?" "I think so." "Okay then. Let's get up here and start this game!"

The whole audience clapped when I walked up on stage. We walked to the center of the stage and the other three guys huddled around us. Sal grabbed my phone and pulled up my contact list. He turned away and scrolled until Q told him to stop. He landed on one contact I wish he wouldn't have: Whitney Halsey. The only reason I had her number was in case she ever called I would know who it was and decline the call. Sal said in a very sarcastic voice, "Oh. Whitney Halsey. Who's this?" I didn't want to explain the whole issue on stage so I told Sal, "She's an old friend that I had issues with." "Awe. Did you guys fight over a boy?" Murr said in a girly voice. I shook my head. Joe had a big grin as he walked closer to me. "This Whitney chick have a boyfriend?" As far as I knew she was still with Gideon. "Yes." Joe's grin got bigger. "Let's see what she has to say to this." He took my phone and text Whitney, 'Guess what? You're boyfriend tested positive! I told you he would!" The whole audience died of laughter as Sal took the phone and announced the text.

About a minute later a text came through. It read, "What are you talking about, Nerd Cow? Giddy is just fine. Do I need him to come after you again?' Joe saw the message first and looked concerned. He looked at me funny then started typing. He announced the text after he had sent it. He had sent in all caps, 'Fuck You Whitney. And your little Giddy too." The audience was filled with laughter again. I started to panic. What if she saw me out at the store and decided to jump me? What if she sent someone else after me? Joe saw my reaction and told Murr to pick a video for the audience to watch. He pulled me off to the side of the stage. He asked me, "I'm taking a guess that something horrible happened between you this Whitney girl. Am I right?" I nodded my head. "What happened?" "Well its kind of a long story and you have a show-" Joe cut me off. "I will not continue this show until I find out what happened. What did she mean when she said she was going to send her boyfriend after you again?" I teared up a little and explained to Joe what happened with the fight. As soon as I finished, Joe hugged me. "I'm so sorry. I wish you would have mentioned that. If she says anything to you about it, call Cha and she will tell me. I can't have that happen to you again."

We stood there until the video ended and went back out front. Whitney hadn't replied to me again. Joe grabbed a microphone. "Everyone. Give Britt a big applause. She deserves it." Everyone in the place clapped again. Joe had Quinn walk me back to my seat. Before I sat down, he gave me a hug.

The rest of the show went by quick. Luckily, Whitney never text me back. I went back to the cafe I had been to many times earlier. I ordered a coffee and got a cupcake for the ride home. I walked to my truck and got in. I went to turn it on but it just sat there not doing anything but making a funny noise. What could be wrong with it? I had gas. I just got a new battery a few weeks before. I hopped out and opened the hood. Smoke was everywhere. What the? I walked outside, sat on the ground, and cried a little. Today had been such a good day. Did this really have to happen?

I sat there for a good 20 minutes sobbing. I had tried calling for help but had no phone signal. I turned my music on and put my ear buds in and decided to blast Demi Lovato. I was singing when someone came up behind me and pulled one of my ear buds out. I jumped a little. "Are you okay?" asked the voice behind me. I couldn't hear tthe voice that well since I still had my other ear bud in. My eyes were watery and it was dark so I couldn't see very well. I turned around to see a guy dressed in all black with a hood up. With a shaky voice I asked, "Who are you?" He stepped a little closer to me. "Wait. Isn't your name Britt? You're the girl from the phone game right?" the voice asked me. "Maybe." He took another step closer and took off his hood. I couldn't believe who was standing in front of me.

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