Chapter 12

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I woke up on the ground and Jay Miller was standing above me. I looked over to my side and Joe Gatto was there. Wait. I wasn't dreaming when I hung out with Joe and got tickets from Jay, Casey, and Lisa?

"Hun? Are you okay?" Joe asked in a very calm voice. "Um. I guess." I then realized I was covered in water. "Why am I wet?" Joe up looked at Jay while he hid his arm behind his back and slowly walked backwards towards the counter and his behind it. Joe then responded to my question. "I have 2 words for why you're soaked: Jay. Miller." Then it came back to me what happened a few minutes earlier. "Is he really that clumsy all the time Joe?" "Sadly, yes. Yes he is."

At that moment, Casey walked past and noticed us. He ran in panicking. "Britt. Are you okay? What happened?" Joe looked at him with a strait face and said, "Who do ya think couldn't notice the rug was rolled?" Casey sighed and said, "Jay. Nobody else in this world is so careless to notice something like that." Joe nodded his head as Jay walked bwas over to me. He put his hand out and helped me up. "Hey uh Britt. I'm sorry about this." I smiled. "You're fine Jay."

Joe then said, "Well Britt. Since we never got to eat and its awhile until showtime, I can give you a backstage tour before the show. You up for it?" Hold up a second. One of my favorite comedians. Joe Gatto. Asked me if I wanted a backstage tour. "Yes!" I yelled very quickly and loud. I covered my mouth as all three guys cracked up laughing. "I take that as a yes. Let's see if we can sneak to the back without being noticed."

Joe, Jay, Casey, and I quietly walked to the back of the theatre without being noticed. Security was standing outside. Joe waled up to them. "Hey guys! Enjoying your day so far?" Both of them nodded with a smile as they opened the door. "By the way," Joe added, "This right here is Britt. The winner of Murray's ticket hunt." I waved hi and walked in.

We walked down a somewhat dark hallway and into another hallway with lots of doorways. Casey asked Jay, "I'm going to go see where everyone else is. You comimg, Clumsy Dork?" Jay glared at Casey. "Sure." Both of them walked in a doorway that had steps that led down. Joe and me walked around and there was no sight of any of the guys. "Wanna go check out the merch booth? Nobody has been let in and I can pay for whatever you want. I feel like I owe you for what Jay did and for you driving." "You don't have to pay for me. I can get it." Joe shook his head. "No no. I will pay. Not another peep." Then we walked back through lots of doorways and halls until we reached the main entrance before the main stage area. He walked up to the merch table and turned to me. "Whatever you want," he said. "I will pay for you."

We stood at the booth for about 5 minutes deciding things. Joe bought me a poster, a bracelet with all of their names on it, a bag with their picture on it, and all 3 tour t-shirts, which was everything being sold that night. One of the shirts them all the dates from the Where's Larry tour on the back with a picture of all four guys on the front. The second one had a bunch of quotes from the show on it. The third one had The Tenderloins logo on it. I cried after Joe handed me the bag with all the stuff in it but the poster. "Wait here." He walked off to the managers office in the theatre.

I stood there for a good 5 minutes and then asked the lady at the booth if she could point me to the bathroom and tell Joe I would be back in a few minutes. She gave me a huge smile and nodded her head and pointed me to the bathrooms. I got the logo shirt out of the bag and changed out of my wet shirt. I went back to the merch booth and the lady automatically handed me a bag to put my shirt in. "Thought you might need that sweetie." I said thanks and Joe walked back out with the poster. "No seeing this until later. Hand me the bag." I gave him the bag and he put the poster in it.

As we walked back we found their makeup artist, Cha. "Hey Gatto! What's up?" "Not much. Just showing a fan around. This is Britt." I waved and smiled. "She's a shy one Cha." "I see. Have you even changed yet Joe?" He shook his head. "If you want Britt, we can hang out while he gets ready." I smiled but couldn't get words out of my mouth. Joe cracked up laughing. "I take that as a yes. I'll be back in 15." And he walked off downstairs to the dresing rooms. "Let's go to the makeup room. Its a lot warmer in there than out in the hall."

Cha and I walked into the makeup room and we sat down on. She looked at me funny. "Hun, I think you have something on your nose. Its a greenish blue dot." I turned and looked in the mirror. My makeup was rubbing off and my bruises started to show. I covered my nose really fast. "You okay? Let me see." Before I could answer she walked over to me. I moved my hands. "Oh that's a nasty bruise. Let me get my makeup case and I'll fix that right up. What happened?" I explained the whole fight as she stood in front of me with her makeup case. "That's horrible. I am so sorry. Let me touch up all the spots to make sure nothing rubs off later tonight."

Cha touched up my makeup quickly. We talked while she did it. I told he about how lunch was this year and asked her lots of questions about what it's like to work with the guys. Right after she finished, Joe walked in. "I hate to cut the conversation short, but they open doors in 5 minutes. I'll walk you to Casey so he can walk you out front. I would go all the way out, but I don't feel like being ambushed by fans right now." I turned to Cha. "Thank you for fixing my makeup." "No problem girl." She walked over to a notepad and wrote her number down. "If you ever have any problems at school, text me and I will catch a flight here to end it. You're too sweet of a girl for that to happen." I smiled and Joe and I walked out.

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