Chapter 11

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Joe's Point Of View

This is definitely not something that I would do on a daily basis. I hate letting other people drive. Especially people that I don't know well. But I trust this girl. And hey, I'm doing a good thing. Britt is a die hard and devoted fan.

We drove in silence for a few minutes and it started driving me crazy so I started asking her questions. "So Britt, how you been." She had a very shaky voice as she replied. "Um, good. But since this is happening, amazing." "That's good. How long you had this truck?" "Uh. Not long. Only been 16 since the end of August. Random thought, you want a doughnut? I have some behind the seat." I looked back in the little area behind the seat and saw a brown box with the word "Doughnuts" written in large pink letters. I didn't have to think long on my answer. "Yes. I would love one." "Help yourself." Then we were in silence again.

We drove for a few more minutes until we had reached the restaurant. I didn't realize I had ate 5 doughnuts on the way there. When I had mentioned to her that I would buy her more, Britt shrugged her shoulders and said don't worry about it. I felt bad but she did say to help myself.

The parking lot if the restaurant was empty. "This is weird. This place is always busy," Britt said. I looked at the door of the restaurant. There was a piece of white paper taped on it. Britt noticed it, too. As she opened the door to get out of the truck she said, "I hope this doesn't mean what I think it means." She walked up to the building, read the paper, and walked back to the truck shaking her head. "Closed for maintenence until tomorrow. Sorry for wasting your time. This is the only restaurant around here besides the cafe that we were at." She looked like she wanted to cry. "Hun, it's ok. We can go back and maybe I could find Jay and have him get more doughnuts." Her face lit up. "Really? You don't mind eating doughnuts again?" I laughed. "I would live on doughnuts if I could."

We drove back to the parking garage and walked back to the cafe. I was getting ready to call Jay when we walked into the cafe but I saw his bright blond hair as soon as we walked in. "Yo Miller. What are you still doin' here?" I yelled as we walked in. Both Jay and Britt jumped when I said it. "Better question is, why are you back here?" Jay asked as he turned around from the counter and walked towards us. He wasn't paying attention to notice that the carpet was rolled up in front of me and he fell over it. Britt just happened to be standing right in the way as he fell. Jay knocked her over and fell right on top of her. "Oh my. I'm sorry Britt. You okay?" he mumbled as he jumped up. "Jay. Can you pay attention to what's in front of you one time in ya life?" I asked as I bent down to check on Britt. "Hey. You okay Britt?" She didn't respond. "Britt?" I shook her shoulder. Jay bent down beside me. "Um do you think I should go get help, Joe?" I glared at him. "Na. I think we're just gonna leave her lay her while we run off. Yes! Go get someone!"

Jay ran up to the counter to get one of the workers. I kept trying to get Britt up. I mumbled, "I can't believe that I probably just ruined the best day of her life. No I didn't. Jay did." I looked up and glared at Jay. So clumsy, I thought.

Jay ran back very fast with a cup of water. "Jay! What are you doing? Why do you have water? Go get he-" Before I could finish, Jay dumped the water on Britt's face. I shook my head. "Really Jay? You couldn't find people but you found water?" "Well. Casey and Lisa left already. Nobody else is here. I can't find the workers. Hey look. She's moving." I looked over and Britt looked like she was trying to get up. I grabbed her arm. "Britt? Are you okay?"

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