Chapter 5. What it Comes Down to

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Fletcher's point of view

The seat behind me flew back as I stood up at Casey's words. "Are you serious right now? You're going to risk yourself by fighting to the death?! Do you know what that means?! I mean really Casey, what if you can't handle the challenges, what if you become too tired and they overwhelm you, I can't let you do this!" I ran my hands through my hair stopping to pull at it in frustration and worry. "Casey please, let me take the challenges, when I win I'll give you the title, I'll let you be Alpha, but please don't do this."
Her eyes stared back at me in surprise, man those beautiful hazel eyes. I loved her, she wasn't my mate, but if I could I'd sweep her off her tired feet and take all this off her shoulders and put them on my own. Watching her grow up was nothing but a joy. She grew from a shy, quiet girl to a determined, fierce woman that I absolutely adored. My wolf loved her too, but he saw her as a sister, just another family member to protect not a mate. She would make the perfect Alpha, don't get me wrong but I don't think I could bear to see her get hurt. I promised her brother that I would do everything I could to protect her and be there for her. I was a second brother to her and I took that extremely seriously. I couldn't let Coleson down.

Casey lowered her head and covered her face, she tried to control the tears, but they wouldn't stop. "Fletcher, I need to do this. I need to prove myself capable and worthy of leading this pack! I can't let you fight my battles for me, I'm a grown woman now and as much as I would love to let others take this burden from me, I can't let you do that. This is my job and my job alone, this is my burden to bear and I will not fail this pack or my family, do you hear me?!" the steel in her eyes shocked me, I couldn't believe what I was seeing, of course I knew she was right, but I didn't want her to be. I didn't want to admit that I was leaving her fate to the moon goddess and that there was nothing that I could do but watch and pray. She would either fight her way to what she rightfully deserved to keep, or die trying. Her father wouldn't have wanted it any other way. Pack laws were law and even for her they couldn't be broken. She had to fight.

I swept passed the desk and gathered her up into a hug. I know that right now she needs me, she needs someone to be an anchor for her in this storm, she needs me to ground her and keep her steady. I rubbed her back and stroked her hair, silently reassuring her that I was with her. There was no need for words, we both just needed each other's presence, to feel the safety and comfort in each other. I felt her hot tears on my shirt as she sobbed. I held her tighter and clenched my eyes shut attempting to contain my own tears. I lost my best friend, but I still had my family to go back to. They survived while hers didn't and it didn't seem fair that this was how things were. Her grip on my chest was vice like and I let her hold onto me for dear life as she emptied herself of some of the pain that was overwhelming her. She couldn't let her emotions get the best of her, if she was gonna fight she was going to have to do it with a clear head. Better to get it out now than allowing it to bring her down later.

After who knows how long we finally broke apart. Casey took a deep breath and tried to steady herself. With her eyes closed she gently wiped her eyes of tears and sniffled a bit. She calmly placed her hands on the desk and leaned over it to look in my eyes. "Fletcher, call the pack for a meeting here at the pack house at dawn. Make sure that the pack doctors have room and let them know that there may be more visitors tomorrow. I want them prepared. I also want to make it clear that this will not be an all out brawl, I will gladly take challenges, but it will be a fair fight. Anyone who breaks that rule, you have permission to kill, are we clear, Fletcher?"

I stared at her and briefly studied her for a moment. This was really happening, she is really going to do this. Once I call the meeting there's no going back. I sigh and nod my head."As you wish, Alpha I'll call the meeting.

Casey thanked me and left deciding to try and get some rest before tomorrow morning. I watch her pass me and walk slowly up the stairs. I wonder how much sleep she'll get tonight and how much time she'll be up thinking. As soon as she's out of sight I immediately call for the meeting to be held at dawn. I felt curiosity and frustration from many different people and some bitterness and anger also seeped into my mind as I felt what the pack felt. Tomorrow would be no walk in the park,that's for sure. I jammed my hands into my jeans pockets and made my way to the pack hospital. Down a flight of stairs into a large section of the basement was where we held our sick, injured and prepared our dead. It was deathly quiet in the hall that led to the reception area, not even my sneakers made a sound on the recently washed concrete floor. As I approached the door lost in thought, a blonde head popped up in the window partition of the door greeting me with an unsuspecting pair of brown eyes "What the hell!!" I scream as doctor Tobias Matthew's gaze suddenly caught my own. He opened the door and I fell into the frame as I clutched my heart in utter and complete fear. "You are so lucky, doc, I almost jacked you in the face. You can't scare a man like that, what's wrong with you?!" Doctor Tobias laughed sheepishly, "I am SOO sorry, beta Fletcher, I was just sanitizing the door and cleaning up for the night since all my current patients are sound asleep. If you need, there's a defibrillator over there if your heart needs a jump start." I just looked at him like he was the craziest man I've ever seen, "Doc my heart doesn't need a jump start, it's beating pretty good on its own thank you very much!" The good doctor just shook his head at me and put down his rag. " So Fletcher you must be here for something, what can I do for you, Mr. Beta?" After I caught my breath and felt my heart beat ease from it's scare I stood up off the door frame and looked him in the eyes. "Tobias, I need you to make sure that you and your staff are prepared to receive more patients tomorrow. I'm sure you heard me call for a meeting at dawn." He nodded his head gravely. "I suspect that there will be challenges at this meeting then." All I could do was nod my head in acknowledgement as he studied me. " My staff will be more than prepared, I promise you that, Beta." I thanked him and began walking out the door when he suddenly grabbed my arm. I looked back at him in confusion and was surprised to see the gentle smile on his lips and his eyes set on mine. "She'll be OK, Fletcher, I just know it."

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