Chapter 6

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Luke's P.O.V.

It's been about 2 days since Scarlet left to hell I hope she isn't hurt. If Michael hurts her he is so dead. I was pacing with some big questions going on in my head. Why did Scarlet not call me? Did Ashton get a hold of her? Why am I stressed out about Scarlet? I did have a small crush on her but I got over it. Am I still in love with Scarlet? I can't be she's like one of my best friends. It would ruin our friendship. I was brought back to reality when I  heard the door close. I snap my head to the door hoping to see Scarlet but I see my best guy friend Calum.

"Calum I thought you were Scarlet. I'm sorry-"I was cut off by him sighing.

"Your still worried about her what about your girlfriend?  By the way when are you sending her back to hell?"he said raising his eyebrows.

"Soon. Trust me Arzaylea is going back to hell when Scarlet gets back from hell."(I know kill me but who agrees that she belongs in hell?)

"Dude if your that worried about her than just call her."I nodded and Calum was right she always picks up my calls. I should just wait she isn't the little person that was so shy that I knew when we were kids. She's definitely matured since then. I waited for her to call after like ages of waiting for her to call. She actually called me. I knew I could trust her with that. I quickly looked at my phone and the seen ID said Scarlet😇💝. I answer quicker than I expected.

"Eager to talk to me I see, couldn't get enough of me?"I had a little smirk on my face.

"Shut up you idiot, there's something I really am concerned about?" I scolded him.

"What happened? Are you hurt? Do I need to send another person? Do I need to come down there?" He stammered.

"Calm down, I'm not hurt, nobody needs to come down here. But, it's about Micheal, I found this picture of him wearing all white with wings and a halo" I heard him take in a breath ready to stop me. "And before you interrupt me, no, not the clementine orange company's he didn't have an orange. He had an actual halo, the ones you where on your head, the ones that you give out each June to angels who have worked hard enough to be assigned a person to over on earth, like the one you gave me last week, the very last week of June. Explain why he has a halo, now" I demanded.

"Micheal was an angel a few years ago, that picture was the day he got his wings, I took that picture. But Micheal was assigned a person in hell to watch over, like you. This person was his girlfriend on earth until they got into a car wreck, he made it to she sadly didn't, anyways he was assigned to watch her, and lust took over him he called me, basically told me to fuck myself, and I haven't heard from him since. One of the other angels I had down there came back and told me that his girlfriend dumped him after a month, and there was no way for him to comeback to heaven after that"

"Well, if you don't mind me asking, why in the hell did you send me to hell to spy on one of your ex-angels?" I whisper shouted. I wanted to scream at Luke, but I couldn't because Micheal would here me, and that would blow my cover, and from that point on I'd be in some deep shit. So therefore I whisper shouted.Bah-bam!

"You have to try and save him, bring him back home! I haven't told you this, but, when an angel becomes a demon, they have three years with the help of a current to get back to heaven. The demon has to message me through a secret though, letting me know they want to get back to heaven. Micheal messages me a couple of hours before you left. I usually wait a week or so to send an angel, but I sent you so quickly because Micheal only has 1 year left to make it back to heaven and it's a long process. Micheal already knows the entire process and all the precedures. Call me after the first thing is done.... Oh! And the first thing is a sign of betrayal to to Ashton, ruler of Hell."


"What do you mean done?"I questioned

"I mean, Micheal already did that. He punched Ashton and told him to keep his hands off me"

"Micheals smart, okay, step 2; everybody down there has a job that involves sinning, whether it's tiny or huge, everything down there is sinful. Micheal has to do something good, but this will take the longest, that's why there only 2 steps"

"Is Micheal allowed to sin while planning out what good he's going to do?"she questioned worriedly.

"If he wants to do it without any other demons getting suspicious, then yes, he's allowed to sin while planning it out, but, and there's a huge but-" she cut me off by giggling her but off. "I don't mean like a Kim Kardashian butt, I meant like a'you have to do this, but, this will happen if you do' kind of but. Now stop laughing because what's happening is serious." she immediately stopped my giggling and listened. "If Micheal messes up and sins while doing his good deed, that's it, he's done, he won't be able to come back"

"Okay, I'll do my best" and with that she hung up. I was so proud of her she has grown up since we were kids. I miss those days. Why do they go by so fast?


Ok thus is just a filler and I decided to go on to make a chapter with Luke's P.O.V and I thought why the fuck not aND thanks soooo much for reading and thanks. Bye love y'all.

- Skyler ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ 💐💐

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