Shawarma (Avengers x reader)

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Spoilers for the movie The Avengers. You have been warned!

   "No, wait!" Tony yelled, startling you.

   "Stark, these things are still coming!" Steve growled, panting from the fighting.

   "I've got a nuke coming in, it's gonna blow in less than a minute." Widening your eyes, you spotted Tony in his suit, flying. Immediately, you used your powers to fly over to him. "And I know exactly where to put it."

   "Stark, you know that's a one-way trip?"

   "Oh, he knows." You sigh, now flying right next to Tony. He looks at you, before speaking.

   "What are you doing, Y/N?"

   "Stark, I've done everything with you since we were kids. Do you think now will be any different?" Smiling softly, you followed the nuke.


   "This isn't up for discussion. I can get you out of there."

   Grabbing on to the nuke at the same time he does, you smile.

   "Jarvis, please call Pepper for Tony."

   "Yes, miss."

   "Y/N, I-" he tries, but stops when he sees that it is time to send it up.

   "Let's go, Tony." Smiling, the both of you force the nuke up and straight towards the portal. Entering, you notice Tony's suit shut down.

   "Hang on." You say, letting go of the missile and watch as it destroys the ship that is soaring from rather far away.

   Turning back to Tony, you use the last of your strength to grab him, bracing yourself for the impact that would come. Feeling your body shut down, you closed your eyes.

   Suddenly, you feel someone grab you and Tony, but you hold on to him nonetheless, scared to let go. When you finally arrive on the ground, you can't bring yourself to open your eyes. You feel someone hover over you, checking for a pulse, but you can't hear a word they're saying.

   What does bring you to was the loud roar that came from what you only assumed to be the Hulk. Sitting up, gasping for breath, you see Tony next to you, alive and well.

   "Oh my god." You sigh, laying back, "You're welcome, asshole."

   "Why am i an asshole?" He looks towards cap, "What happened? Please tell me nobody kissed me." Laughing slightly, you look over towards Steve as well.

   "We won." He simply states, making you raise your fist sarcastically.

   "Alright. Hey. Alright. Good job guys." Tony says, sounding tired, "let's just not come in tomorrow. Let's just take a day. Have you ever tried shawarma? There's a shawarma joint about two blocks from here. I don't know what it is, but I want to try it."

   "Great idea, Tony. That's sounds great. Let's do that."

   Thor sighs, looking at the two of you. "We're not finished yet."

   "Oh yeah." You sigh, remembering Loki.

   "And then shawarma after."


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