Im sorry (Stark x reader)

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  "So you're on his side." Tony looked betrayed as he stared at you.

   "Tony," you sighed sadly, "you know it's not like that."

   "Then how is it like?" He questioned, scoffing.

   "Tony. You know that I love you. I'm your best friend for Christ sake. I would take a bullet for you any day, but..." You hesitated before continuing, "Even if, it doesn't mean I'm always going to agree with you on everything."

   His face softened. He wiped his mouth with the back of his hand, leaving it there for a second. "I just wish it didn't turn out this way." He turned to leave. Your heart beat quickened as tears welled up in your eyes.

   "Tony, I'm sorry. Please don't be mad."

   He shook his head, "I'm not mad. Just upset. Be careful out there."

   Tears streamed down your face. "Please, Tony." He didn't stop, just continued to walk out of the room, "I'm sorry." You whispered, before turning to look at the floor.


"You run as soon as I give the signal," Scott's voice rang out through the ear pieces.

"Bucky. Steve. Be careful." You said as you watched them from afar to make sure no one would go after them.

"You too, Y/N." Steve said and Bucky grunted in agreement.

One second later you turned around to see Scott's plan. Your mouth flew open as you saw how tall he had grown. Team Iron Man seemed to be just as surprised.

You saw Bucky and Steve start sprinting towards the jet. Vision saw also, as he shot down a large tower, sending it falling town in front of their destination. With the help of Wanda, they made in through in time.

Using your powers, you shot yourself in the air and towards the Spider Boy. He was wrapping his webs around Scott. Rhodey and Tony flew up in the air and punched Scott under his chin, causing him to fall backwards. As soon as his body hit the hard cement, he shrunk back to his normal size.

"Shit." You muttered, watching as Tony and Rhodey made their ways towards the jet that was now flying away. Sam and you followed close behind.

"Vision!" You heard Tony call. Vision used his powers to send a surge of power towards Sam, who dodged it. It flew towards Rhodey and Tony.

"No no no. Not on my watch." You pushed Tony out of the way, taking the hit for him. In a shocked state, you started to plummet towards the earth. You saw the airport below, the ground becoming closer and closer as the seconds went on.

"Y/N!" You heard Sam scream, as he flew down to catch you.

As you hit the ground, a sharp, excruciating pain reached the corners of your body. It took all of the power in you to not scream out.

You put your hand down to your stomach, where the pain had seemed to be centered. A sticky, warm substance was what you felt. Upon bringing your hand back up, you realized it was your blood.

Slowly, with much effort, you raised your head and looked to see what you had injured. Your heart beat seemed to stop as you gazed forward.

With just your luck, you had fell on a piece of scrap metal. The jagged, sharp piece of shrapnel from one of the planes stuck up from your stomach.

Sam made it to you first, Tony and Rhodey close behind. "Oh god," he muttered, covering his mouth. You looked up at them with pleading eyes, tears streaming down your cheeks. Tony stormed over to you as Rhodey put his head down, staring at the ground.

You raised your arms slightly towards Tony, reaching out for his hand. You couldn't find it in yourself to speak. He gripped it and fell to his knees beside you. His eyes were wide and you could see the tears threatening to spill from his eyes. You suddenly realized that you had never seen Tony cry before. It was a weird feeling. To see him kneeling over you, tears dripping down on your face.

"D-don't worry, Y/N. W-we will get you out." His voice was soft and cracked. You wanted to tell him it would be okay, but your voice would not come out.

"FRIDAY," he said to his artificial intelligence, "p-please send-"

"I have already requested for medical assistance, sir."

"Stark, i am so sorr-" Sam tried to apologize, but was sent spiraling away and crashing to the ground in seconds.

Your hands grasped for Tony as you tried to pull his body close to yours. He complied, wrapping his hands around you, sobs shaking his body.

You could hear Rhodey talking softly into his suit to the others. The only thing you could make out was, 'It doesn't look good. She's not going to make it' You could hear Natasha's pained yell on the other end.

"Please, Y/N. Just stay with me." Tony pleaded, hugging you even tighter.

Using what seemed to be your last strength and effort, you whispered to him, your voice expressing the pain that you were feeling.

"I'm sorry, Tony."

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