That girl (Rogers/Barnes x reader) pt. 2

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   When Steve had found Bucky in the midst of chaos, he half expected for you to be there as well. He had hoped that you would have been there; alive atleast. But after everything washed over, when he finally was able to pull Bucky aside and talk to him about things before, he had mentioned you. When he had said your name, Bucky's expression turned into a frown. That was when Steve realized that Bucky had fell off the train before you had disappeared.

   "So she didn't make it, I'm guessing?" Bucky asked quietly, gaze turned towards the floor.

   "Well...." Steve started, but was cut off quickly.

   "What happened?" When his friend only stared at the floor, he repeated in a harsher tone, "Steve, what the hell happened to her?!"

   "I-I don't know," Steve lamely admitted, "No one knew. After you were gone, she couldn't accept it. She was there one day; gone the next. Listen, Buck, I looked-"

   "Obviously not hard enough! You were supposed to protect her, Mr. Captain America! You just let her leave? You just let her die?! This is your fault!"

   Steve took a step back at his friends words, anger building up in his body. "I tried, Buck! You weren't there, I wasn't thinking! My judgement and thoughts were clouded, for fucks sake! My best friend was dead! And i-" he paused for a second, looking down at the wooden panels on the floor, "I let her slip away. I pushed her away. For what? For her to not be there one day, and I had no idea where she had gone."

   Suddenly, Natasha and Tony burst in, at the ready. After seeing the two soldier at ease, only focusing on not looking the other in the eye - rather than killing each other, they calmed. "So, group meeting?" Tony asked, looking at the other three in the room, "Avengers-!"

   "Assemble, yeah yeah. That's starting to get a bit old." Natasha huffed, before turning to gather the others.


"So, this girl," Clint coughed, shaking his head, "hasn't been seen since the 40's, didn't leave a drop of evidence, and is most likely dead?"

Bucky growled at the man in response, not much liking the thought of you being dead at all.

"No," Steve said, turning to look at Clint, "she's not dead. Or, atleast, I feel like she isn't."

"I don't know, Capsicle. I know she means a lot to you, but it's not like we have much to go with." Tony sighed, twirling a pen in between his fingertips.

With a quick movement, Steve turned to the billionaire, eyes pleading. "Please, Tony. Please. She meant-means the world to me." He looked over at Bucky, "To us. Now, I know you don't know her, but your father did. Howard loved that girl. They got close in the short time they were around each other. Now, please, I need your help. We can't find her-or what happened to her- without you."

Tony almost smirked at the Captain's words, but stopped himself, knowing that even though Cap had admitted that he needed Tony, maybe it wasn't the time to start bragging. Maybe later.

"Fine," he sighed, "I'll help you find your little girlfriend."


'Steve!' A voice called through the dark corridors. 'Steve!'

As it turned out, surprisingly, you hadn't run away. You hadn't fled at all, but had been taken by HYDRA. They had planned on taking down Captain America for good, by taking away everything and everyone he had loved. So, they took you, locking you up at one of their bases. They had experimented on you for years after you had been taken away, long after the Captain had went under deep freeze; long after Bucky had been put in cryo.

They decided if they were already done with using you to take down Steve Rogers, they may as well make the best of it.

So, they put you through tests everyday, putting different chemicals into you, trying to make the strongest warrior on the face of the earth all other galaxies. The title was a little far fetched, but they had attempted nonetheless.

'Steve!' You screamed as another needle was pushed into your arm. The surge of power ran up through your arm and the other parts of your body. You winced as it reached your heart, causing it to pulse rapidly.

   'I'm very sorry, Y/N.'  The doctor laughed sarcastically, 'but it seems that Mr. Rogers has turned in his title as Captain America and retired.'

   'What the hell is that supposed to mean?!' You growled through your clenched teeth.

   'He's dead, Ms. L/N. He was forced to land an aircraft into the water.'

   Eyes widened, you pulled at the restraints once more, before laying your head down, giving up. You closed your eyes and tried your best to ignore the excruciating pain that filled your body.


   After months of hard work to find any leads, with no luck, Steve started to lose hope. Bucky, on the other hand, seemed to never want to give up.

   "We're getting closer, I can feel it." He growled, nose deep in files.

   "Buck, we haven't found anything. I don't think-"

   "I wouldn't finish that sentence if I were you, Cap. Seems like we have found something," Tony said as he popped his head in the door, "but we need the two of you to take a look at it."

Part 3 is in progress.

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