Chapter 21| Craig

Start from the beginning

"I'm guessing you're stressed?" I ask her, watching in hidden amusement as she runs around like an idiot, perfecting props and balancing boards.

"No! Really?! What makes you think that?!" She says sarcastically, moving the boards in an order that corresponds with the script.

"Well, do you want any help?" I ask.

"Nope. You can leave now." She says, motioning behind the curtains as she fixes a broken flamingo.

I shrug and walk back stage, bored.

It may be complete chaos, but I don't have anything to do. It's almost lunch, which means it's almost time for the first performance.

"Craig! Fix Wendy's hair!" Another shriek from Ms. Davis, and I scoff walking towards the changing area. I see Wendy, fully in costume minus her ears and tail. She's helping Stan with his Caterpillar costume, and he's looks stupid, but hardly recognisable.

"You know, you're lucky you can hardly tell its you under that costume. It looks terrible." I let him know, and Stan just glares at me.

"At least I'm talented enough to be in a play," he says back, and I shrug.

"Which costume looks terrible?!" Kevin's voice stops me from replying, and Clyde sighs.

"Ignore Craig, he's an idiot." Clyde says.

"That's ironic, coming from you." I point out.

"The Caterpillar costume? That's fine. I didn't make that one, it was bought. Oh my, it does look pretty bad.." Kevin says, crossing his arms and peering at the costume.

"Shut up." Stan says, matching away. Wendy glances in his direction, but doesn't move. She instead thrusts a hair tie in my direction.

"Hair." She says, and I sigh in annoyance, swiftly putting her hair back in a small bun. "Thanks Craig, now.. Can you flip on my tail? I can't reach it,"

I do as she says, clipping the bushy tail onto the costume. She smiles and thanks me, then rushes off to get Stan.

"I never knew you could style hair." Clyde says, smirking. I flip him off, and he gasps. "How rude."

"WENDY WAIT!" Ms. Davis shrieks, "I can't find Tweek!"

"Oh no Craig!" Clyde gasps, "your boyfriend is missing!"

"Shut up Clyde." I mumble, hoping that my cheeks stay pale. Clyde snickers.

"Tweek's missing?" Kevin asks, looking over here from studying Heidi's costume and then he looks at me. "You better go find him. My parents are coming to the performance tonight, to see my work, and my mum's favourite character is the Mad Hatter and she's most excited to see my work on his costume." Kevin walks towards me and places his hands on my shoulders. He's slightly taller than me. "YOU'VE GOT TO FIND TWEEK! I NEED THEM TO SEE MY BEST WORK TO ALLOW ME TO CARRY ON IN FASHION."

I blink, and grab Kevin's hands. "I'll find Tweek, calm down Wilhelmina Slater," I let go of Kevin, and walk away from the costume area.

"You watch Ugly Betty?!" Kevin shouts, but I ignore him walking off to find Tweek.

"Craig! Where are you going?!" Ms. Davis asks, her eyes wide and her skin paler than normal.

"To find a Tweek." I say simply, walking out of the hall and into the corridors. It's nearly the end of period 3, so there are only a few students walking around.

Now, where would Tweek be?

Am I kidding myself? I know where he is.

I quickly walk down the corridors towards the yellow, exit door. I push it open, and walk down the steps. Michael and the Goth Kids are sat down on the floor, smoking. Among them, is Tweek Tweak. I walk towards Tweek and stand in front of him.

Dramatic: ACT I (COMPLETED)(South Park) {Boyxboy} Where stories live. Discover now