How could he hurt me like this? Chapter 16

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Cause its fantasies and reality, baby which one are we living in.

When it hurts by Avant

I am sitting in the back of this cab on my way to the bus station, I dont know anyone out of town. I dont know where I am going but I do know, I am getting the hell away from Chris and Whispers ass. How can people be like this? We arrive at the bus station; I pay the driver and get out. There are folks bustling all around, going every which way. I walk in the station and look for somewhere to sit. I see a corner that I can hunker down in and watch without being watched. My pager is blowing up, I know it is Chris and I have nothing to say. I feel so betrayed by him, not like with the others. His is more gut wrenching because allowed him to get close to me, I allowed myself to be vulnerable, to be revealing, knowing damn well I was setting myself up for failure. To be honest I am not mad at Chris or even Whispers, they only used the weapons I gave them.

Fuck, I cant believe she thinks I helped Whispers concoct this story, shit I aint that good and neither is he, if we are then Hollywood here, we come. The night that Storm told me everything that she has been thru, tore me apart. I was filled with so much rage and contempt that all I wanted to do was hunt this motherfucker down myself and kill him. It took the heavens for me to remain quiet as she told me, I wanted to snap, and I wanted to tell her exactly how I felt. This sick motherfucker needed to die and in the worse way possible, but I knew in that time, in that moment she needed me and not a rescuer. So, I did what I thought she wanted me to do and that was just listen. Take what she was telling me to heart and see that how she is, isnt because she wants to be, but because life gave her no other choice. I saw the child that she is so desperate to protect. I see her fear, her unsureness, her mistrust, seen and felt every ounce of pain she was conveying to me.

In my mind I understood that child that only wanted to be loved and cared for. I could relate because I was once the same child. I thought what I experienced as a child was the worse and then I met Storm and I found, I had no reason to bitch and gravel, I found someone at an early age who taught me how to make a way and how to protect myself. She didnt have that, the worthless piece of shit of a dad she had didnt protect or care to see, his child was being hurt. No matter what shit has gone down before those two nights, I can honestly say, I have never seen her cry or be close to tears. I saw her break, she became unhinged, and she allowed herself to show me how broken she was. So now that you know the truth, let me guess I am someone you could never be with? Damaged goods, I get it. She thought cause of what she went thru, I wouldnt want her but that made me want her even more. I didnt see a victim; I didnt see a bruised and hurt little girl. I see a fucking warrior, I see a fighter, I see a survivor, I see the underdog making her own self shine and that is what drew me to her. I always knew there was something special about her, I just didnt know what. How could I take something so vile as that and use it against her? Hell, even the night she killed Jay and Debbie, Chauncey asked me, and I didnt even tell him.

I was sitting there listening to Whispers and I am floored, my boss is my girls grandfather! I cant believe this shit and the look on Stormys face indicates she doesnt either. I can feel the heat radiating off her, her breathing is shallow as hell and the noise under her breath is letting me know, she is about to pop, and I mean pop for real. I try to hold her hand, but she snatches away from me and gives me some death dagger eyes. She scoots to the edge of the seat and has planted her feet. Next thing I know, she is up and in full blown attack mode and her main aim is at me. When I tell you she verbally handed us our dicks in our hands. She literally does and without skipping a beat She goes, gets her stuff, informs both of us, that she is leaving to get away from us. Oh, but she was so kind to tell me before she left, that I need to call Chaunceys mom cause the wake is Friday. I stand there and I watch the door close behind her, for some stupid reason, I stood there hoping she would come back but she didnt. I went to see where she had gone, she was by the elevator waiting for it to come, before I could say her name, she looked at me and got in the elevator without a backwards glance. Fuck, I havent even done nothing. Fuck, fuck, this is crazy and what is she thinking right now, it supposed to be us against everyone and anyone. Where the fuck is she going to go, she cant go home. I didnt make it no better pointing that fact out to her, when she said she was leaving. The look she gave me should have torched me to my soul. Honestly though, where she is going, her other option is dead waiting to be buried. I spin around and I look at Whispers, you dont think she is going to leave da burgh, do you? I mean go back to Philly; I know she must have someone up there she could go to. My mind is racing, I dont know where to look. I have more places she wouldnt be, then she would be.

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