Challenge 5

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Ally has just been eliminated. Everyone back in the mansion was just chilling around and relieved that they will get some rest now. Suvi still looked really pissed off and threatened to destroy both Rock and Froyo. "Once you both have been destroyed, I will break everyone apart, limb from limb," Suvi told Froyo and Rock. Rock and Froyo were just still and in shock about what Suvi has become after Ally has been eliminated. "I like this side of Suvi," Tyler tells Christina. "Get away from me you freak," Christina tells Tyler. "Yeah yeah baby," Tyler replies. Sam slaps Tyler. "I have enough pain for this summer," Tyler hisses at Sam. Suvi went to Tyler. "If you thought you were the biggest guy in this house, you thought wrong," Suvi tells Tyler. "Sheesh alright," Tyler says. Everyone chilled out and slept for the next challenge tomorrow

Dan blew the horn which mean't for the contestants to get ready and meet them for the next challenge. Aidan was still confused on whether or not Christina is with Sam instead of him. Christina and Sam are very close and seems to be building the best bonding connection in the house thus far. Everyone met outside for challenge 5. Challenge 5 was a 3 story level snowy land. Which level was covered with snow dirt and icicles. "Welcome to SPLEEF!" Dan yells. "How the hell do we do this?" Lego asks Dan. "Well you guys will get a shovel and you will simply dig eachother outta the levels and last player standing wins," Dan says. "There are 3 levels, if you are the last one in a level, you MUST fall down," Turtle adds. Dan hands everyone and a shovel. Everyone positions themselves and gets ready for the whistle to begin. Dan blows his whistle and the battle starts.

Digi and Caajbe tried to tag team Tyler out of the way instantly with Lego trying to destroy everything that comes in his way. Digi, Tyler, and Caajbe ran into Lego and Lego managed to get Digi down to the second level. "Fuck!" Digi snaps. Christina and Sam split up to separate Froyo and Chad. Suvi was going insane and trying to destroy the whole level and trap everyone. "This is what you get when you fuck with me!" Suvi yells. "This kid went insane," Aidan says. Froyo falls down but Chad grabs his arm. "Don't fall down!" Chad yells. Christina breaks the floor under Chad and down goes Chad and Froyo. Suvi charged Christina and Christina dodged his fast attacks and got stuck in a corner. "Sam help me!" Christina yells to Sam who is fighting off Jon. Jon misses Sam and Sam tries to outrun Jon away and save Christina. Aidan walks to Christina while she pleas for Sam's help. "Oh Aidan, dude you need to help me!" Christina tells Aidan. "You lied to me, you are just using me to get far in the competition," Aidan tells Christina. "What do you mean?" Christina asks Aidan. "You only wanted me as an ally because you want me to destroy your enemies and bring you far, you don't like me as a friend, you like Sam as a friend," Aidan tells Christina. "Aidan, I am your friend, help me and we can win this together!" Christina tells Aidan. "You said those exact words to Sam," Aidan says sadly. Aidan was about to sweep Christina away but Sam pushes Aidan to the open hole down to the second level. Sam reaches her hand for Christina and Christina jumps on Sam. Suvi went completely insane and destroyed everyone who was standing in the first level except Christina and Sam. Sam dashed at Suvi and grabbed him. "Christina quick, bring him down with us!" Sam yells. Suvi forcefully pushes Sam down the hole and tackles Christina down the other hole with him. Everyone was in the second floor..

Digi and Jon were playing it safe and tried to only make contact when someone ran to them. Caajbe was getting screwed over because someone would try to get him from the side where he couldn't see (because he lost his eye) but Digi kept guiding him to save him. Aidan played offensively and tried to get rid of everyone fast. Tyler ran and started to choke Aidan. "Give up you bastard," Tyler yells at Aidan. "N-no," Aidan croaks at Tyler. Christina pushes Tyler away from Aidan and Sam gets rid of Tyler to the last floor. Christina looks at Aidan and walks away from him. Aidan gets up and tries to get Lego out. Lego was being smart about his plays and really strategized where to go and where to hit. Sam fell down due to Lego's trap he made. Froyo and Chad split up and got wrecked fast by Digi and Caajbe. "You gotta be serious!" Froyo yells. "Sorry, we need to win!" Caajbe says. "Caajbe, your left side!" Digi yells. Aidan gets Caajbe down with Christina getting Aidan down behind him. Lego approaches and gets Digi down behind him too. "Just drop, there is no point of us being here, the last level is where it matters!" Lego exclaims. Suvi, Christina, and Lego drops to the final floor. Who will win?

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