Near Death Experiences

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When I returned to class, Wolfsheim had already dismissed everyone from the gym. I caught up to Mackenzie and Stella walking to our next class, which was the one specifically tailored for the Elite program finalists. I did a quick jog up to them, so that I could match their fast pace. "You owe me ten dollars." Stella told Mac. I gave them a confused look. "I bet Mac ten dollars that you wouldn't be expelled." She explained, while tying back her black hair into a top knot bun.

I playfully hit Mackenzie on the back. "Hey!" She exclaimed. "If it's worth anything, I would be very upset if she had actually expelled you."

"So what did Figaro say? Does it have something to do with you and Dylan running away together last night?" Stella teased, slinging her arm around my shoulder.

"We didn't run away together." I rolled my eyes. "How many times do I have to tell you two? Nothing happened between us!"

"Do you seriously expect us to believe that?" Mackenzie chuckled. "Dylan's smoking hot, and so are you, you could use a rebound guy like him."

"I don't need a guy to help make me feel better about myself." I told her matter-of-factly. Before we could dive further into this conversation, we arrived at the locker room doors.

"Why do you think we're meeting in the pool?" Stella wondered. She smacked her black stained lips together and shrugged. "Guess there's only one way to find out." With that, she pushed open the doors to the locker room. Veronica and Lizanne were already inside and changing into their swimsuits. I locked eyes with Veronica for a split-second but quickly diverted my gaze. I was not in the mood for another lecture from my sister.

"Does anyone have any clue what they're about to make us do?" Mac asked loudly, unafraid to voice herself among competitors.

"I'm still recovering from last night." Stella groaned, revealing the bruises and scratches along her body as she undressed herself. "I think they actually want to kill us."

"Will you two stop complaining?" Lizanne hissed in our direction. "You should be grateful that you were even chosen to be in this program, because if it was up to me--"

"Finish that sentence. I dare you." Mackenzie cut her off, standing only a couple feet away from Lizanne with a look of pure death coated across her face.

Lizanne bit her lip, giving Mac a long look over. "You might have your friends to help you through the trials, but eventually you'll have to turn on each other too." She warned, turning her back to us to finish getting ready.

Veronica remained unusually silent. She pulled her hair into a pony tail and left the locker room with her towel under her arm. "What's her deal?" Stella murmured to me.

"Just because we're twins doesn't mean that I always know everything going on in her life."

"Sheesh, Lex." Mackenzie patted me roughly on the back. "What did Figaro say to get you so worked up?"

"Let's just head out there, we're probably already late." I said, grabbing my towel from the bench. Mackenzie and Stella shared a knowing look with each other but resigned from pestering me any more for the time being.

The rest of The Elite we already standing around the pool when we made our way out there. I stepped into place besides Clyde, who was noticeably uncomfortable in his tight-fitting speedo. "Why the speedo?" I whispered, locking my arms behind my back and standing up straight.

"Rooney thought it'd be funny to hide my swim trunks." He said through gritted teeth.

We were lined up around the perimeter of the pool. There was no sign of Figaro or any of the X Team members, yet everyone stood in silence--afraid that if they spoke they'd fail whatever we were being tested for. I looked around at everyone's faces. Veronica's eyes were hard and focused on the water. Her black one-piece bathing suit--identical to the one all the girls were wearing--shined underneath the harsh fluorescent lights. Mackenzie shifted back and forth on her feet uneasily, smacking her lips together as she grew impatient. Stella seemed unamused and was looking upwards at the ceiling. Rooney stood next to Jordan, and the two of them were sizing each other up. Then there was Dylan. He was standing directly across from me at the other end of the pool. His eyes scanned over my body and for some reason I suddenly felt self-conscious. I tried to ignore the way his gaze pierced into my skin by focusing on the white wall behind him.

The Elite (Book 2 of Trinity Academy Trilogy)Where stories live. Discover now