Chapter 59: Wrong Perception?

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Salma felt a reassuring hand squeezing her shoulder. She sniffed, wiping her nose and eyes.

"Do you believe Allah knows what's best for you, love?"

Salma swallowed, slowly raising her eyes to meet Anne's kind green ones.

"Then trust him," Anne continued. "Don't fret over it. Do whatever you can to solve your problems and put your trust in Allah."

And Salma did just that. She decided to do whatever she could to stop Fahad and his family from imposing an unwanted marriage on her, and to trust Allah with whatever He had decided for her. As soon as she left the kitchen, she prayed maghrib and sat in waiting for Asim to come home. 

The moment she heard the boys' voices enter through the door, Salma called Asim to her room.

"If you have more errands to run," he rambled, "find yourself a servant, because I . . .

Asim's voice trailed off when he saw his sister's expressions.

"What happened?" he asked cautiously.

"You're going to tell me that, bro."

Niall's P.O.V.

Reading comments on his Facebook page, Niall tried his best to tune out his best friend singing at the top of his lungs upstairs. It was mildly disturbing, but having Zayn act calm and happy was a nice change. The environment in the house was exceptionally cheerful and peaceful ever since Zayn and Salma worked out a truce.

Niall raised a brow when Zayn hit a screechingly high note.

"I think he will have a successful career, should he explore this avenue?" Claire giggled, as she tried to reach for her books on one of the top shelves.

"You have a horrible taste in music," Niall grumbled.

Claire turned around and stuck her tongue out at him, making his heart skip a beat. It took all the self restraint in him to focus on his phone, and not on how irresistible she was with her twinkling blue eyes and dimpled smile. However, Niall failed at his objective when he found his eyes straying back towards her.

Zayn came downstairs, still singing. Niall was not surprised to see a football running between his feet and earplugs blasting music in his ears. Just as he passed Claire on his way to the kitchen, he picked up her books.

"Aren't you like the best brother -" Claire cooed, reaching for the books.

Zayn place them on a higher shelf and left.

"What the hell, you beast! Put them back where they were! Zayn!"

Niall chuckled as she yelled while Zayn paid no attention. Walking back out of the kitchen, he headed towards the front door. 

"I'm Damned if he's happy, damned if he's not!" she continued.

Niall was amused to notice a small smile playing on her lips. Although Zayn annoyed her, she looked like she had missed the silly banter between them.

Still grumbling, Claire dragged a chair towards the shelves. Niall was busy watching her over his phone when he was suddenly smacked on the head, hard!

"What're you looking at?"

"Your sister's cute struggles to retrieve her books," he replied without thinking.

"Excuse me!" Zayn snarled, snapping Niall back to his senses.

"Zayn!" Niall gasped, turning around to face him. "I thought you left."

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