"So, why now? Did they kicked out from his mom's home?"

"No, he wasn't kicked out. Well, Ace want to get away from there. Maybe he felt like he really wasn't there, they treated him like he wasn't there at all." I didn't know but I really feel bad for him. He sounds lonely. "You can't really blame him why he acts like that. He feels abandoned and I don't want him to feel that same feeling again in his new family."

"I'll try." I said making my dad smile.

"Thanks, Bryan." Dad stood and tapped my shoulder before he went outside my room.

I sighed. I didn't know and I would really feel miserable if I were in his place. I kinda dislike his mom for making him feel like that. Maybe I couldn't bring myself to be rude at him tomorrow and I would try to understand him.

Or not.

In the morning, we both went out of our rooms at the same time. We were both bringing a towel and I tried to greet him good morning when he snubbed and just walked pass me. I was trying not to be rude but I was born to get so pissed off easily. I'm sorry!

I ran to the bathroom's direction to over take him and when he saw me running, he also ran. He kinda knew what I was running for. We both grasped the door knob at the same time, him on top of my hand.

I smirked because I won. But my hairs all stood up when he ran his hand which on top of mine up to my arms. I pulled my arm back feeling gross and I saw Ace grinned truimphantly.

"Thank you, little brother." He whispered and went inside the bathroom leaving me dumbfounded.

"Shit!" I exclaimed. He plays dirty! "Fuck you!"

I spent my time sitting in the living room waiting for Ace to finish using the bathroom. The first thing that I wanted to do early in the morning was to take a bath so I need to wait for him. Why does it only have one bathroom in this house! Without counting the bathroom in the master's bedroom.

I didn't know that I was already fallen asleep in the sofa waiting for Ace when Dennis woke me up. I stood immediately and ran to the bathroom and had
the quickest shower in my whole life.

After I showered and wore fresh clothes, I ran down the kitchen and I found dad loading their used dishes in the dishwasher.

"Morning, dad." I said and smiled when I saw a bowl of oats on the table.

"You're late, it's a miracle." He said chuckling and I just rolled my eyes while digging my breakfast. I usually was the one who gets done first. 

"Dennis and I will be going first." Dad said, patting my head as he passed by.

"'Kay, take care."

"You too and—" dad leaned closer on my back. "—try to be nice to him." He whispered.

"You should be telling him that and not me." I said.

"Okay, okay. We're off." Dad announced.

I was in the middle of eating my hot oats when I heard a honk. It was Ace making me roll my eyes. I grinned when I thought my revenge. I slowly ate my oats while Ace keeps on honking in the background. Huh! I chuckled.

After five minutes, it wasn't that long, I finished my breakfast and ready to go. When I went outside, Ace's car was nowhere to be found. He can't leave me! After locking the house, I ran outside the gate hoping Ace was there waiting for me but he wasn't there.

He left me.

"Fuck you, Ace!" I shouted.


I was rushing to my first class when I arrived in the campus. That Ace! He seriously left me and I have to wait and take the fucking bus!

I went inside the room and our instructor, Mrs. Martin, was already writing on the board and discussing was she was writing. She stopped writing on the board, placed her hands in her hips and raised a brow at me as I silently walked to my seat.

"Too early for the next subject, Mr. Hoffman?" Our instructor said sarcastically.

"I know. Sorry." I said while sitting on my seat. When Mrs. Martin continued writing at the board I roamed my eyes around the room and my eyes met Ace's. I narrowed my eyes at him and he just looked away snubbing me. I felt my blood boiled and I wanted to swing and smash my bag into his face.

"Are you related to Ace?" I heard Jake, my seatmate, asked me.

"How'd you know?" I said, frowning.

"You've got the same surname." He said in as a matter of fact tone.

"Really?" I was surprised and he just frowned at me.

I didn't know dad already changed his surname so fast. Maybe dad already planned and processed everything before Ace transferred home.

"We're brothers." I said and I heard Jake chuckled. I raised a brow. "What?" He doesn't believe me.

"I don't believe you." He said and I snorted at him.

"Suit yourself."

He didn't believe me just because he's more handsome than me? What is beauty if he had a very evil personality. I glared at Ace's direction. Asshole!

When Mrs. Martin dismissed us, I rushed to Ace grabbing his arm and dragged him to the locker area. I didn't heard any protest from him making me wonder but it was easier that way and it really annoyed me when almost all the students that we pass was checking Ace.

I stopped in front of my locker and let go of his arm. "Why did you do that!?" I exclaimed in a whisper like voice.

"Do what?" He said innocently.

"Yeah? You forgot?" I sarcastically said. "You just left me at the house. Do you know how far and long I need to walk and wait at the bus stop?" I glared at him.

I gasped when Ace suddenly yanked my arm and it was so fast, my back was already leaning in the cold metal lockers and he was pinning me with his one arm. Ace glared at me angrily and I felt my heart started pumping faster inside my chest.

"I really hate people like you." Ace said in an angry whispering voice and leaned his lips near my left ear. "And I hate people who make me wait." He warned and I could feel his breathe fanning my ears making my breathing shallow.

I watched Ace walked away and I was still leaning my back on the locker. I didn't know why I wasn't able to talk back at him and I just froze. I glared at the students who witnessed that scene and was still looking at me as I turned to find my locker and opened it harshly.

"I'm sorry—" I muttered sarcastically while dumping my book. "I don't know you don't want to wait for people." I rolled my eyes.



Bryan Hoffman above. :)

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