Yet, (Name) never yelled. Never screamed. Only froze for a second before wiping off the tears from Frisk's dusty cheeks and taking away their stick, asking them not to do it again.

Frisk didn't tell them about the toy knife they had found, and (Name) had only learned of it when they had stabbed Toriel, the kind monster who had brought them here and fed them and loved them like they were her own children.

"You really hate me that much...?" Toriel asked in pain and sorrow, breathing heavily as her hand came to cover her gaping wound instinctively. (Name) stared at the goat woman, a dark gray heart in front of them, as Frisk smiled a bit, feeling Chara's mania inside them building. Toriel noticed the smile and continued.

"Now I see who I was really protecting by keeping you here... Not you... But them... Ha ha..." Toriel's eyes wandered over to (Name). "Please... Take care of yourself... My child..."

Frisk had bursted into silent tears after Toriel's remains fell away, dropping the knife in horror and staring at their hands, the same ones that had killed dozens of monsters over and over and over again--

A larger hand took one of their own, and they looked up to see (Name)'s concerned face before they were brought into a tight yet gentle hug. Frisk froze up in shock. They had just murdered someone, and yet... They still cared for them...? Why?

"Frisk, I know... I know that things may seem bad... That we have no other solution to a problem, but you have to listen to me, okay?" (Name) pulled away from the hug and took Frisk by the shoulders, staring at them with a serious voice. "There is always, always, another way. Alright?" Their voice seemed to crack a bit as tears filled their eyes. "You don't have to hurt anyone, or anything, or yourself." Their voice dropped to a whisper. "You just have to find another way."

Frisk stared at them before sobbing even harder, falling into their warm arms. They could not hear (Name)'s kind and reassuring words, just Chara's maniacal giggling and whispery promises of death and destruction and mayhem.

They could only remember that (Name) smelled faintly of butterscotch and tea.


To say that having another human around changed things is an understatement.

Flowey just kept smiling evilly at Frisk while saying his usual lines about destroying the world together, turn all monsters into dust, same old. But what made Frisk freeze was when he turned to (Name) and said,

"They'll kill you too, you know? Once you have no use, you'll die by their hand! Heeheehee! And there won't be anything you can do about it!" The flower's innocent face had morphed into a more demonic look, sending shivers down Frisk's spine as Flowey winked at them and popped back underground.

(Name)'s face was slightly lowered, their hair masking their expression from Frisk. The smaller human looked down at the ground emotionlessly, but inside their mind, they were screaming for a permanent release from this madness.

"Come on, Frisk. We should keep going." (Name) looked at them, a soft smile on their face. They held out their hand, and once again,
Frisk took it.


They never knew why they started this in the first place.

They had been fine with the first outcome they had experienced. Everyone was alive. Everyone was happy. They were all on the surface. Frisk was living with Toriel. Papyrus had become the mascot of the monster race. Asgore was creating good relations between humans and monsters. Alphys and Undyne were dating. Heck, even Sans' smile didn't look as empty.

So why did they reset? Why bring it all back to where it started? Why... Start to kill anyone?

As (Name) and Frisk started to walk down the snowy path that Frisk knew would lead to the gate Papyrus had made, they thought, Maybe Sans was right. Maybe a person like them won't ever be happy. Is that why we keep doing this, Chara? Killing them over and over? Because we won't ever be happy with any other way? Because we don't want it to end yet?

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