Chapter 2

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Central City
February 16th, 10:30 pm

"So, explain to me who we are hunting again?" The redheaded, yellow suited speedster asked, looking towards his best friend.

"I'm not certain but a tip told me he'd be here tonight." Nightwing answered, studying the complex in front of them with binoculars.

"Who?" Kid Flash asked again.

The devil in blue sighed and looked back at the man in yellow.
He didn't really want to bring the speedster along, he was perfectly capable of doing this himself. But Wally insisted saying that he needed a guide around the city even though the bird knew exactly where he was going.

"Were you not listening before?" Nightwing questioned the the red head.

Wally stared at him blankly and Nightwing turned back to his binoculars.

"Tweedledee and Tweedledum." He answered.

Again Wally stared blankly at the boy in blue.

"Who?" He asked again.

An irritated Nightwing put the binoculars down again and glared at the speedster.

"K-F, shut up and let me work. Don't you have patrol with Barry or something?"

Wally was, and still is, Dicks best friend. But sometimes the guy can get on his nerves. He was trained by the Flash, a really talkative guy. Dick was trained by Batman, the complete opposite of a talkative person. That makes their crime fighting styles completely different.

Something red blew past the two and stopped just on the other side of them. It was the Flash, the much more powerful and mature version of Wally.

"Hey." He said.

Nightwing nodded in his direction.

"Barry, how are you?"

The scarlet speedster shrugged. "I'd be great if I didn't have to search the entire city just to find my partner." He stated, moving his gaze off of Nightwing and towards his nephew.

Wally put on a guilty expression when he'd realised that he'd forgotten to call his mentor to tell him he'd be out with Dick.

"Yeah," The yellow speedster started. "I was gonna call you but... I didn't." He said scratching the back of his head.

The older speedster look at him disapprovingly. "You should have, you're lucky the city has been quiet tonight." He then turned back to Nightwing. "So what brings you here? Did the bat drive you out of Gotham?"

Nightwing smiled up at the scarlet speedster. "No, business brings me here."

"Ahh, who we got?" The speedster asked, suddenly curious.

"Tweedledee and Tweedledum. They've been on a crime spree in Gotham and Bludhaven. Oracle gave me the heads up that they've moved their operation here."

The Flash nodded. "You want me to run in there and take everyone out?" He asked, studying the heavily armed complex.

"I was just gonna sneak in there and take them ou..." Nightwing stopped as he saw a red blur start running around the complex. A yellow one soon joined him. He turned around to see that both speedsters had left. Gunfire was coming from the building.

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