Chapter 1

630 10 11

10:00 pm
February 16th 2016

He followed one of them here. Knowing that the thug would lead him straight to their hideout. He stands on the rooftop above them, peering in through the rooftop window. He can see all six men sitting at a table playing a card game. White powder spread across the table and alcohol in their hands. They are talking, having a laugh with each other. They won't be soon.
Behind them is the girl. She was kidnapped from her home two days ago. Now she lies unconscious, naked and tied to a support beam. She is only nine years old.

"They should die for what they've done to that girl."

The Caped Crusader looks down at his Robin. The boy looks back up at his mentor, an angry scowl on his face.

"They raped her, a nine year old. They are filth."

The Dark Knight doesn't respond, instead returns to scoping out the interior of the building.
A deep part of him completely agrees with his son. These men should die for what they've done. The girl will never fully recover from this. They have ruined her entire life. So why shouldn't he ruin theirs. But he knows he can't. He knows that if he kills these men, nothing will stop him from murdering countless other criminals. Starting with that manic clown.

The men below will be easy to take out. They have firearms in holsters by their side. No doubt they'll reach for them. But that shouldn't be a problem. They are just petty thieves who think they are top dog. They will soon cower.

The Dark Knight looks back down to his Robin who is anxiously waiting to punish these guys for what they've done. He says they deserve to die but the Knight knows he won't kill them. He'll only injure them... Badly.

"Ready?" The Knight asks.

Robin nods, he's been ready since they arrived here.
His Robin opens the window and drops smoke pellets inside. Within seconds the entire room is clouded in a thick smoke and the sounds of men coughing can be heard. The two heroes enter the building, being masked in the smoke. They don't need to see to fight. They only need to hear.
Batman launches for a thug and slams his head into the table, he is out instantly. Behind him Robin takes down two men at once. Its easier when the men can't see. The click of a gun is heard and the Dark Knight spins around to quickly punch a thug in the stomach and disarm him. He then proceeds to knee the guy in the face, knocking him out. Within a minute all six men are down and the smoke had cleared.

The Knight was studying the card table the men were playing on. It was actually a pool table. It was hard to tell from above with it being covered in bottles and cocaine. Beside the table was a duffel bag. The Knight picked it up and sat it on the table. He unzipped it and looked inside. The contents was a bunch of priceless jewels, no doubt stolen. He re-zips the bag and makes a mental note to himself to point it out to the police when they arrive, which is strange because they should have arrived by now.


The Knight turns to see his son crouched in front of the girl. His fingers pressed on her neck to feel for a pulse.

"She's dead," Robin states bitterly, "they killed her."

The Knight walks up to the still girl and his Robin. He crouches in front of her and just like his son had done, presses his fingers to her neck to check for a pulse. Robin was right. The girl was dead. The Knight then noticed the bruises around the girls body. Scars had formed from recent scratches and cuts. Not only had they raped the girl, but they had beaten her two.

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