- Not what I wanted -

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Chapter nineteen: Not what I wanted

Ana's POV

"I'm sorry what did you just say?" I asked my manager Mike. We are now in Simon Cowell's office talking about Me not having enough publicity. So Mike decided that I had to 'date' Niall um.. No. "You need publicity, so you're going to 'date' Niall." when those words left his mouth everyone gasp. The boys, as in 'One Direction' looked at Louis and he did not look happy. The girls looked at me, just as shocked as I am. And the boys, 'Prodigy' did not look pleased.

I have to date Niall? But he's like a brother to me. Or well, he was. They can't make me do this. This is like, this is horrible. Everyone was shouting while I just sick there, on the couch, shocked. I'm going to get hate I know that. People are going to be calling me names, just like high school. How do I remember? Well, I made Johnny tell me what happened in high school. I was pretty shocked to be honest. But it's not like I remember.

What I'm most afraid of is Louis. How is he going to think of me after this. I... I don't even know why I just thought that. Why did I expect Louis to do now that we've seen each other? Did I expect him to put up a fight for me? Did I want him to? I honestly don't know what I want. I want to focus on school, but then I have to maintain on staying in the band. Man I wish I thought this through earlier.

How would , my parents think of me if they find out. Would they be disappointed? I picture my mother saying, "You're suppose to fight for it. Fight for what you want. No body in this world controls you." and father would say, "Just beat the shit outta them sweetheart. Show them whose boss." god this is too much pressure. I don't want to disappoint my parents, I don't want to leave UNI, I don't want to quit the band, what on earth do I do?

I was too lost in my thoughts to notice Niall kneeling in front of me talking to me. He had a sympathetic look on his face. One that I hated to much. I came back to reality when his voice spilled, "Ana? Are you okay?" I looked around and saw everyone staring at me. See what I'm talking about. Pressure. I stood up and looked at my manager then to Simon and said, "You people are disgusting." and walked out of the room not bothering to look back. But I couldn't help but open the door with force sending it flying backwards and breaking the vase behind it.

Everyone one was shouting my name and telling to calm down and come back, but I just walked straight out the door. I started to walk down the side walk not caring where I was going. I just needed to leave everyone. I mean, are they insane? Me? Date Niall? No offense, Niall is sweet and everything. It's just the fact that I see him as a brother and I'm going to have to date him? Being forced to is the worst part.








I found myself sitting on a bench in the park near the garden and lake. I was looking out at the beautiful sunset that was right in front of me. Making everything seem so perfect. But it's not. I never thought my life would end up this way. From the accident to all this. Living the dream... Well, sort of. From the corner of my eye, I saw a chunk of blonde hair sit beside me. Already knowing who it was I spoke, "What do you think about this? Honestly?" I asked. I heard him sight, but answered me. "I don't know what to think. I mean, I don't want to do this, but do we even have a choice? They control us now Ana. It's neither that or nothing at all. No dream." he explained. Then my mothers words flowed through my mind. Fight for what you want. No body in this world controls you. Well guess what mom, management does.

"What if I pick no dream? Would that make me the bad guy here?" I ask softly. I look up at him to find him staring at me. "What?" he says, "Am I that bad that you would end your dreams just because you have to 'date' me?" his voice sounded hurt and you could see it in his eyes. Oh damn Niall James Horan. What have you done. "No.. I didn't mean it lik-" he cut me off. Yup, I'm in trouble. "THEN WHAT DID YOU MEAN IT LIKE? AM I THAT UGLY? PLEASE, TELL ME SO I CAN CHANGE!" he shouted out me as I sat there in utter shock that he would say something like. I just sat there looking wide eyed at Niall. I never knew Niall felt that way. Once he realized what he did, his eyes softens, "Ana, I'm so-" I don't let him finish his sentence with the bone crushing hug I gave him. I didn't mean to upset Niall. It's just not possible to melt at how adorable he is. He hesitated a little before wrapping his arms around me.

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