Chapter 15

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With those words, Mikey screamed out in agonizing pain. Ray soon joined and their anguished screams echoed in the air. 

"What are you doing to them?!" Gerard demanded.

"Killing them right in front of you," he told him with relish. He could feel the emotion radiating from Gerards' every pore. He grinned and snapped his fingers. The unmistakable sound of someones neck snapping filled the air and the screaming stopped. Mikey and Ray went limp. Gerard felt like he was being torn apart. 

Then blinding white light. 

So bright that he had to shrink away.

Gerard, too, was blinded and faced in towards Franks remains. The demon was gone when the light ceased. 

"You need to get you and your friend out," a voice came over head. Gerard looked up with tear filled eyes. A woman stood in the middle of Ray and Mikey, long red hair and eyes that looked like they had seen too much. 

Gerard somehow knew who she was.

"Mary," he choked out. She gave him a nod and gingerly caressed Rays' and Mikeys' faces with both of her hands. 

"Poor souls..." her attention snapped back to Gerard, "You have to go."

"I can't."

"That's where I come in." With those words she moves away from Ray and Mikey and places both of her palms together and with great concentration seemed to try and pull the air back. Somehow, this worked and soon a white light was visible in a strip in the middle of the air. 

"I've figured out how to make a portal. Go now. With him."

"What about the others?"

"It's too late for them now."

"I can't leave them!"

"Mary. I warned you!" the demons voice appeared. Mary pushed Gerard closer to the portal.

"Go! Now!"

Gerard gripped onto Frank, who was now just armfuls of bones and jumped into the portal.

All he could hear was his own sobbing and the demons anguished yells of fury. 


So sorry for delay! One more chappie and we are done!

Thank you for reading. *hugs*

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