Chapter 14

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She almost screamed. Of course it wasn't that easy! It never was. As she watched Gerard slumped down by the neatly formed skeleton, the only remains of his friend in another life. She then saw a flicker. Too fast for her to make out but she went closer, making sure not to make herself known. The flciker came again. A face. A body. Seemingly surrounding the bones for a split second. She knew that Gerard could see only bones, but herself being dead could see a lot more. She concentrated. The shimmering and suddenly disappearing body caught her attention. Brown eyes bore into her. She knew he could see her. He made no sound but his lips mouthed 'Help' She nodded. She would do all in her power to help them. She had to. No one had helped her. She had to give the help that she never had. But the only problem was that she didn't know how to do so. 

"Ray?!" Mikey strained his neck against an invisible force to look at the man in a standing posistion but hanging limply. 

"RAY?!" Ray was no where near conscious. Mikey silently cursed to the blinding white surroundings. Nothing but white. White, white and more white. Mikey strained against his unknown barriers, to no avail. Just tiring himself out furthermore. 

"I'm sorry, Gee..." Mikey laughed bitterly, "So sorry."

"You honestly think we would let you find him?" The raspy voice that had been haunting Gerard said in an almost mocking voice. The man in the suit appeared again, "You honestly think we'd let you go?" He grinned and thought about what he was going to say next, "My friends and I are going to kill you now. That sound good? Oh and in front of your friends... and baby brother..." With a gleam of his eye Mikey and Ray suddenly appeared, hovering in mid air behind the demon. 

"If you hurt them..." Gerard voice stopped working in mid sentence.

"I don't like talk back. Your friend in the coffin down there will see you too."

"Don't play fucking mind games with me." Gerard hissed at him, his voice full of venom. The demon showed up raised hands and feigned surrender. 

"No mind games, he's still there. His body deffinately isn't, but he is. Say hello Frank. Oh that's right, I forgot. No lips." He grinned evilly. 

"Don't listen to him Gee!" Mikey shouted at him. Ray looked dazed, as if he had just woken up from a nightmare. 

"Okay, don't listen to me. Listen to my friends instead. And they're very hungry. Feel the despair? The loss of hope? You have nothing left. Nothing. Your family is gone, your legacy -"

"Shut up!" 

"Your baby was never born..." He drawled out that last sentence. The sentence that drove Gerard into a fury. He lunged at the demon, only to fall face first onto pure ground. The demon appeared two feet away. He laughed.

"The best you can do, really?" He sneered as Gerard pushed himself up. The demon was suddenly dangerously close to Gerard's face. The demon grabbed his neck and lifted him up. Gerard fought against his grip. 

"You have nothing left, why fight?"

"Because I don't believe you." Gerard replied and spat in the demons face. The demon only laughed. 

"You'll see you have plenty of reason to believe me after meeting my friends." He smiled maliciously before dropping Gerard in a heap on the ground. 

"Fuck you." Mikey shouted at the demon. The demon slowly turned, with a raised eyebrow.

"What did you say?"

"He said fuck you!" Ray spat at him.

"Feisty to the end, aren't your friends?" The demon looked down at Gerard.

"If you touch them..." 

The demon laughed, "Fool, I'm not going to touch them." He paused, "I'm going to kill them. And you will find that with my methods, you don't need to touch anything to kill." 

* * *

I have two things to apologise for:

1: Sosososososososososososo sorry for such a long wait! I had really bad writers block, still kind of do but I worked through that!

2: Sorry for the shortness of it! But we're nearing the end and I am afraid that I must draw it out a few chapters instead of having one or two really long ones. That makes sense?

And I have three notes to make:

1: I am going back to school on Monday so I may not upload immediately and there will be a wait (whether it's short or long I don't even know) sorry about that! 

2: Thank you so much for reading and as always let me know what yout think.

3: These authors notes may be annoying you so I'm going to stop... THANK YOU! 

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