Chapter 12

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Mikey hugged his knees. Ray gone. His wife who he had never met but loved disappeared from his eyes and someone he never knew existed missing. It was too much. Mikey was left with the overpowering silence that he had longed. He didn't want to face the world. He kept muttering to himself and hugged his knees tighter. He wanted to stay like this forever. 

"I'm sorry." Gerard said to the deathly cold grave in front of him. "I'm so sorry Frank." He half expected an answer he knew he'd never get. "Mikey's lost it. Ray's gone and I won't be able to find you in time." He sat down directly beside the headstone and leaned on the cold granite.

"I miss you Frankie." He sat there in silence for ages and it was some what comforting. Gerard just sat there thinking. The sun eventually went down leaving him alone in darkness. Around two days have passed. He still had two days, as the first day was not included... or so he hoped. He stood up and brushed himself off.

"I'll get you out of the deep, Frank..." Gerard's eyes suddenly opened wide. He figured it out. He knew where Frank was. Three days in the deep, he would run out of air soon. He ran as fast as he could to get a shovel. 

Ray stirred. His eyes were heavy with sleep, but he managed to open them and take in his surroundings. His sight was blurry at first but finally it got clearer. He was in a open wide space with nothing in it besides this group of people in long black cloaks, talking in hushed voices. Ray tried to move, but his arms and legs were out stretched and somehow bound. 

"Hello? Can someone help me?" Ray called out, his voice hoarse. They all turned to his direction, faces covered by hoods. 

"Oh good, he's awake." One of them said, no said was not the word for it, croaked is a better word.

Ray suddenly felt very scared. He had a feeling that these people in black cloaks were the ones that put him up here. One slowly walked over to him and dropped it's hood, causing Ray to gasp involuntary. Whatever it was it wasn't human. It's skin was grey and had splotches of brown strewn across it. It's revolting skin was stretched back over it's lumpy shaped head. It had no neck, it's head just seeped into it's shoulders. It's eyes were black and deptless. They were much larger than ordinary eyes and slouched down to it's prominant cheeks. It smiled at Ray's reaction exposing small little tooth pick like teeth. Sharp as blades. It was be far the most horrifying thing Ray had ever seen.

"Still want help?" It choked out, smiling maliciously. 

Frank swore he could hear voices. He tried calling out but he had lost the ability to talk a while ago. Instead he could just lie motionlessly and hope that they found him. After a while the talking stopped. Frank lost all hope at this point. It wasn't a strange feeling at this point. He was used to the hope and then all the hope crushed ever since a woman appeared above him and told him not to worry, he would be saved. But since when did he believe his hallucinations? He was pretty sure a while ago he heard Cherry's laugh. But that disappeared faster than it came.

Maybe Frank was right.

Myabe he was loosing his sanity. 

* * *

Almost near the end!

So what do you think? 

Thank you for reading! *virtual hugs*

- Amy (:

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