Chapter 6

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Although they were in different parts of camp, Sam was glad to have Dean here, closer. Dean being just up the road meant that that Sam could get to him whenever he needed to, and at this point he thought Dean was glad to be here too. Aside from all the girls and the campfire fun, Dean had been worried about him, and for once, Sam knew he had good reason to be. He thought back to their conversation. '

"What do you mean Haunted, like seeing bloody Mary in the mirror haunted or....?"

"I don't know. A few weeks ago..." Dean stopped him

"A few weeks? This has been happening this long and your just now telling me?" He asked getting a little peeved.

"I thought they were just nightmares, Dean, I didn't think it was a ghost."

"What changed ?"

"The other night when I had the dream, it felt more real than it did before." Sam told him about the dream, everything from the rain and thunder to the girl not even knowing he was there, and then the black eyes and the man's evil smile that still haunted him. "And then today, before you showed up we stopped in the exact same spot that my dream happened. I mean everything from the tree groupings to the mud on the ground, it was identical." Sam stopped looking at his brother who stood there looking at him, waiting for more. "And then I saw her again, on the way back down the mountain, only this time, she saw me." Sam stopped not wanting to remember her angry eyes.

"I don't know, it doesn't really sound like a ghost, Sammy." Dean said "I mean, you feel cold spots, lights flickering, scratching on any walls?" He asked.

"No." Sam said looking away, "But if she's haunting the grounds then those things may not be the only signs in the book, if she isn't...."

"Constrained to a building...."

"Right." Sam said, when they got on the same tracks, they could basically read each other's minds.

"Okay, well if that's true, then there's bound to be someone else around here that is noticing. So let's ask around, see what other people have seen or heard.

After that they went their own way. Sam got food for Eric and himself and the boy who helped him out and headed back to the cabin. Eric seemed to be feeling a lot better once he got some food in him. Sam thought about asking them if they experienced anything, but he was too tired. When they all finished eating they settled in for the night, the ones who were still awake, lay in the dark waiting to be whisked away by their dreams...except for Sam, every time he closed his eyes, he still saw the man's evil grin and black eyes staring straight at him. He had a feeling he wasn't going to get much sleep tonight.


Dean had never been to summer camp; it was hard not to be a little excited about it. 'Sam was onto something here' he thought to himself as he settled into his bunk.

"Hey Man," A guy with curly blonde hair wearing a plain blue shirt interrupted his thoughts. Dean nodded at him. "You got any water on you?" Dean reached in his bag and pulled out a water bottle handing it to him. "Names Nick, you?" he asked taking a swig of the water.

Dean smiled, remembering his new identity. "Drew." He replied simply. Nick nodded, handing the bottle back to him.

"Thanks. Just a little tired, didn't want to walk all the way down to the cafeteria to get more water. Especially with all the animal attacks out there lately."

"You heard about those?" Dean said, his interest sparked.

"Yeah, who hasn't? Kinda makes being out here feel like a bad idea ya know?"

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