Chapter 5

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Sam jumped out of his skin, or so it felt. He HATED when Dean scared him like that. "DEAN!!!" Sam jumped up yelling at his brother.

Dean smiled a little, loving how he so easily got under his brothers skin. "Shhh shhh shh" Dean pulled his brother back down and held his finger over his lips while still silently giggling.

"What are you doing here? How did you find me?" Sam asked in a quieter tone, but still livid with his brother.

"Process of elimination, I'm a hunter Sam, it's what I do." He replied suddenly feeling a little upset at his brother again. "The question is...what are you doing here?"

"Trying to be a kid before you and dad drag me back to a life that I hate!" He glared at his brother. Dean grabbed Sam's arm and pulled him into the woods so no one would see them.

"Yeah and how's that working out for you?" Dean asked. He knew something was wrong, he could tell by Sam's on edge attitude.

"Fine until you showed up." Sam lied looking away from his brother towards the group. He would never admit it but he was glad Dean was here. "How did you get here anyway?" Sam asked

"Hitched a ride with cop. They're up here investigating some remains found on the grounds."

"They just let you hop in and chauffeured you wherever you wanted to go?"

"It's a long story." Dean said shutting the conversation down, trying to get to the important stuff. "Look Sam, I understand where you're coming from....really...I do. But you can't run away every time our past catches up to us. We're hunters.... Whether you like it or not, it's always going to come back. Now I can help you deal with that, and I want to be there for you.... But don't you EVER run away on me again!" Dean said, as a little anger seeped through. "We're family, and we stick together." He looked into his brothers eyes, as he finished his lecture. "Always."

Sam felt a twinge of guilt for running off on his brother....again. He knew it wasn't Dean's fault, but there was no denying that Sam was different then his brother and father, and he wanted different things. It didn't seem to matter much, because Dean was right, their past always catches up with them. Sam had no words for Dean; he didn't know what to say. He could apologize but he didn't feel like it, even as he looked into his brothers green eyes, seeing the hurt and worry he had obviously had for him.

"So did you come up here for me, or for the body?" Sam wondered, already knowing the answer though.

"For you, Sam." Dean said looking away, "but there's been a lot of strange activity going on in these parts I guess."

"What do you mean?" Sam asked wondering if his dreams were real or not.

" Girls going missing, people being torn apart up here in the mountains...they don't know if its connected or not, but I'm thinking that's why dad left."

"Wait, you said missing girls?" Sam asked.

"Yeah." Dean squinted his eyes looking a little confused. "Know something Sammy?"

"No...I don't..." he paused staring out into the field.... "I don't know. " He felt it better not to tell his brother about the dream and the girl, yet. "What do you know about the bodies?" Sam hadn't done a whole lot of hunting with Dad and Dean, but he knew what this was turning into, he could tell by the way his brother talked.

"Well.... They're reporting it as an animal attack. But somethings got the locals freaked out."

"What's the plan?" Sam asked

"The plan.... I don't know." Dean admitted. "We don't know what we're dealing with and there's no way to get a hold of dad."

"Could call Bobby." Sam suggested. "He might be able to help us out."

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