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It was summer time in the Rockies, the sun shining over the mountain sides, while the rest of the sky, lay draped in heavy grey clouds. It was time for a fresh start, maybe even a new life. At least that's what Sam Winchester was hoping for. Sam had spent his entire life so far on the road with his dad, John Winchester, and his older brother Dean. They were a family of hunters, but not the kind of hunters that you might find out in the woods, no, the Winchester family hunted things that most people only read about in story books; things that would make you shudder. A haunted house might seem like a good Halloween story to you, but Sam Winchester knew that those ghost stories about a spirit wallowing in the hallways of old houses are real, and they are much scarier than any story in any book. You would think that life on the road, hunting ghosts and monsters would be a kids dream come true, but not for him. The only thing Sam had ever wanted was a normal life, and for the first time since he could remember, his dream was in sight. The Winchester family was headed to a small mountain town, and maybe this time they could stay for longer than a couple weeks, at least, that's what Dad said.

As their Black 1967 Chevy Impala Roared down the I70 corridor, Sam sat silently in the back as a song by Kansas played in the background. The Rocky Mountains were like nothing Sam had ever seen before in his life, and Sam had seen a lot of things. Wild Columbines, and Indian Paintbrush lined the sides of the highway, Cows lingering in the fields every few miles, and the blue sky, hidden behind Giant natural skyscrapers as the road followed the path of the coursing Colorado River. It was a view that Sam knew he could get used to. That was the one thing that could be said for life on the road....the scenery never got old, it was never given the chance.

"Hey Sammy, bet you never saw anything like this before huh?" Dean looked back over the seat looking at his little brother, Sam's scraggly blonde hair and deep hazel eyes smiling back at him. Sam had just turned twelve, and Dean was sixteen.

"It's amazing!" Sam said still taking it all in. He glanced at his older brother in his spiked hair and leather jacket, and the ornery attitude to match. The Brothers exchanged glances, and it was in those small moments that Sam knew they would always have each other's back. Sam thought about his brother, as he stared out the window. Dean was rough around the edges, bad boy to the bone, leaving a trail of girl's hearts in his past. But deep down, Dean would always be like this to Sam, the brother who looked over at him and shared in the excitement of the start of a new life.

A new air of confidence filled the impala as this unlikely family of hunters took the next exit to a town called Rifle Colorado, a town name fitting for a family of Winchesters. As they drove through the town and took in the sight and feel of small town life, John Winchester.... couldn't help but fear that this would only be just another temporary home, a thought he didn't share with his young sons. Dean couldn't help but hope that this would last, that maybe after all these years of hunting down the monster that killed his mother, they might have a home again after all. And Sam, well Sam felt as if he could finally stop dreaming, and start living.

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