Chapter 2

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FlashBack (3rd person POV/aka Wendy)

When Butters was first born, the castle celebrated by throwing hugest party in his honor.
Everyone was invited except for 1 person. Maleficent. Their was some beef between the King and Maleficent so he didn't invite him.

'Wait but who is Maleficent?'

'You'll see. Stop interrupting!'
Anyways, everyone was having a good time. Until there was a problem.

'Wait Stan is Maleficent.'

'You'll see why. Oh and by the way. Your not suppose to be hearing this so cover your ears.'

'Isn't this flashback suppose to help me know how I ended up in this situation?'

'What did I just say Butters!?'

'Ugh fine *covers ears*.'

Continuing the flashback.

"Maleficent. What are you doing here. You wasn't invited," Said the king.

"You know you can call me Stan right? We're not really going word by word of Sleeping Beauty. But anyways, that's what I want to talk to you about. How come I didn't get an invitation? I love the kid as much as you do."
Stan walked towards the beautiful blonde baby.

"I also have a birthday present for our, soon to be prince,"

"Fine. Just leave your gift and go,"

"As you wish. My present to him, is a curse. On his 16th birthday, he will be in a deep sleep when he pricks his finger on the turning wheel. And the only way to wake him up, is true loves kiss." The crowd gasped as Stan snapped his finger, causing the curse to come true.

"Well that is all,"

"You monster. Why would you do this to my innocent baby?"

"Because by the time he turns 16 he won't be a innocent little baby anymore." Stan then disappeared into a cloud of smoke.

"Guards. Take Butters somewhere far away from any sharp objects. Have three people watch over him and don't let Stan anywhere near him. Go now!" The king demanded. And with that said, that's how Butters came here. We were assigned by the king to watch over him. And in this story, Butters is 15.

End of Flashback~~~

Kenny's POV

"Prince Kenny. It's time for dinner," Wait what. Prince? Where the fuck am I.

"Uh yeah, I'll be down," I opened the door to see a huge ass hallway and a dude wearing a tusks.

"Kenny sir. Your still in your pj's. Do you mind changing for dinner," said the man in the tusk. Oh I didn't realize.
I closed the door and looked into my closet. What the fuck? How many fucking shirts do I have? And they're all from the bands I like. P!ATD, TØP, Melanie Martinez! Don't ask I like her music.
I grabbed a random t-shirt and some jeans. Once I was done changing, I opened the door.

"Sir, your parents wants you to dress nicely," said the fancy guy that I assume was my butler.

"Pfft. Fuck that I'm starving. Where's the kitchen?" The butler dude rolled his eyes and leaded me to the dining room.

"Kenny. Why aren't you dress professionally. We have guest coming over," said my dad.
The butler came over to me with a black tusk jacket.

"Here you go sir, put this on." I rolled my eyes and put it on. I hate this.
I heard a knock on the door. That's probably the guest I had to look nice for. It better be fucking worth it.

"Welcome," My mom and dad got up and greeted the guest with a bow.

"Kenny stand up and greet our guest." I got up.

"Hello, uh-... I don't know your names,"

"Well, it's nice to meet you too, sir Kenny." Whatever. I sat back down and everyone sat down too.

"We heard what happened about your son," said my dad.

"Yeah. Well, he was being cursed. We didn't want him getting hurt."
Wait a minute, I remember him now. That's Butters' mother and father. Are they talking about Butters?

"Your son was adorable though. He would have made a great prince, and soon to be king."
Yep they're talking about Buttercup. But what happened to him? What curse?

"Well, it was a long time ago. He's turning 16 soon and so far he'll be safe,"
Wait. How old am I in this story? How come Butters is older then me already.

"Oh, well, my son is 16. They would have been great friends." I'm 16!

"Indeed." Don't fucking say indeed, you all sound like dicks. Your son is out there, probably wonder where his mother and father are and you guys are just sitting here like he's fucking safe from a CURSE! I have to find him.

"Thank you for the meal and it's so nice to meet you guys but I'm feeling tired and I'm going to bed now, Bye."
Before my parents tried to stop me I ran to my room.

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