Chapter 1

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Butters POV

I was late for school, again! My dad was yelling at me making me late for the bus. My teacher said if I was late one more time that I would be suspended.
I ran to the building of the school when I saw a blonde boy with a orange coat standing next to the building. I walked towards him.

"Hey Kenny," I greeted. He turned his attention over to me.

"Hey Buttercup. How come your not in class,"

"I was running late-"

"Cool, so your tardy, you can skip with me," He interrupted.

"Uh... O-Okay." He held my hand and we began to walk. I never skipped before. But it was with Kenny so I knew we'll be okay.
We walked to the treehouse that was made a long time ago by me and the rest of the guys.

"We can hang out here if you want," He asked.

"Okay," I said, as we both climbed up the ladder into the treehouse.
He patted a spot next to him, telling me to sit next to him. I walked over and sat beside him. Minutes were passing by and we was talking about random stuff.
It was night time, and I was getting tired. I texted my dad saying I was "studying" over a friends house. Kenny gently tilt my head on his shoulder, and he put his head on mine. I fell asleep smiling, with a warm feeling inside.


"W-Where am I?" I was in some cabin home with two fairies. "Wendy, Bebe, what are you two doing here? And why are you guys fairies?"

"Because this is one of those fairy tale dreams that the guys keep having. Remember, Cinderella, Beauty and the Beast," said Wendy.

"Wait, then this is Sleeping Beauty. *Gasp* am I the princess in the story?"

"Yeah. Why else would you be wearing a blue bow on your head and a pink dress?" Said Bebe.

I looked down at my dress.

"Wait the other guys in the stories got to wear pants." The girls laughed.

"Yeah because they knew how to control their dreams through out the story," Wendy explained.

"Ah, makes since. Wait isn't their suppose to be three of you?" I asked.

"Cartman is in the bathroom." They both said in unison.

"Wait... Cartman? Isn't he going to be Maleficent?"

"I'm not that evil," said Cartman coming out the bathroom.

"Wait, so how did I get into this Cabin? Wasn't I a princess?"

"That's were this flashback takes place,"

Next chapter will be the flashback and Kenny's POV. Yeah ik I became lazy and not wrote any other story but South Park ships in a fairy tale. Some of you liked it, and some of you are like, "Really kid, really. School is starting up and your giving us this shit. Thanks." So yeah I'm sorry. But hey if you want more Vote and Comment and they'll be stuff. Baiii 🤘🤘🤘🤘

A FairyTale of Butters ✔️Where stories live. Discover now