Chapter 19- A Sociopath Being Less... Sociopathy?

Start from the beginning

"John worries about you. Worries that you're going to close in on yourself and become, well, like me." He told me and I frowned, holding my legs tighter as my chest swelled up with emotions. "How close were you to him? Moriarty, I mean."

I shrugged and brushed away a stray single tear. "Not very. He took me from here, told me about my parents and what he did to them. Then there was the pool incident and he took me to Irene's where he left me. I saw him again at the Hotel, I used his influence to protect myself and that was probably my biggest mistake."   

"Protect yourself?" Sherlock asked, a trace of worry laced in his voice as he spoke and he turned slightly to face me.

I smirked to myself as I recalled what happened. "I may have had to defend myself quite violently when someone got a bit too close for comfort. They seemed rather threatening and so I cowered behind Moriarty for protection."

"You were alright though?" He interrogated and appeared worried slightly with the scenario.

I nodded and smiled a little. "Yeah, I was fine. But the other guy..." I let out a chuckle as I remembered the large plaster on the side of Scott's head. "... not so much."

As Sherlock laughed and put his head back on the door. I fiddled with the hem of my dress and said quietly, "Sherlock?" He hummed in reply and so I continued. "Moriarty left me at St Bartholomew's when I was three not one. He looked after me for two years himself, I'm assuming."

Sherlock didn't speak, he sat and if the expression on his face was anything to go by he was in shock. Pure and simple. "Why?" He said in a hushed tone after a while and he seemed to be talking to himself. "Why would he do that, it's not in his nature?"

"He was close to my parents, I'm guessing that had something to do with it. Spur of the moment thing, maybe?" I suggested and thought back on his fondness of me back at the Hotel.

Sherlock pulled his lips together in thought. "I don't know, possibly. It still doesn't fit, though."

"He hasn't gotten in touch with me, nor has Miss Adler, so I can't be that much of an asset." I reassured him and he ran a hand over his chin.

"No. That's true." He agreed. "I suppose you're curious as to why we were at Irene Adler's house and what photographs we were looking for." As soon as he said that I nodded furiously and sat up straight. "She had pictures of a potentially criminal nature of her and a female member of the royal family."

I raised my eyebrows, shocked, and sighed. "Wow, so she was going to blackmail the royal family?"

"Not exactly, she needed the photos for insurance or protection of some kind." He clarified and I nodded in understanding. "Are we all cleared up now? There's nothing else you want to admit while I'm actually listening?

I shook my head. "We're good. There's nothing else I want to add." After I'd agreed he could go, Sherlock stood sharply and went to open the door but found I was blocking him from doing so. "Thank you, Sherlock." I said somewhat quietly.

In reply Sherlock merely mumbled something under his breath and I moved so he could open the door. Despite his abrupt exit after that heart to heart chat, I smiled widely and scrambled to stand.

I took a deep breath and sat down on Sherlock's bed. Feeling a weight lifted off my shoulders, I laid back and covered my face with my hands.

Sherlock didn't need to sleep tonight right? I told myself and curled up on one side of the bed. Exhausted from being 'emotionally unstable', I yawned and closed my eyes. I fell asleep with my clothes on, again.

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