Chapter 4: The Secret

Comenzar desde el principio

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Dear Draco,

I received your owl, and you were right; I know, but I wanted to wait till it began to tell you about it. I guess you could call it a family secret, but I suppose it doesn't need to be now that You-Know-Who is gone. I trust you know what a Veela is. In simple words; that blood runs in the family. However what you must know is that your father, however, is not, and he never knew my secret. I was afraid that if he did, he would be afraid of me, and I couldn't have that happen.

But I need to tell you this now. I was hoping you wouldn't inherit this, which is why I didn't tell you. Since your father was human, it wasn't guaranteed; however, this isn't bad news dear, trust me.


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That can't be true. How could I have never noticed before? Veelas are bonded with mates for life, and I've never been in a relationship for over a month, let alone forever. There's another explanation.


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You must believe me; know that my mate was your father. I couldn't choose, but because of my blood, I loved him. And that's why, no matter what he put us through, you and me, I couldn't leave him. I was bonded to him. If I left him, I wouldn't be able to survive, it's as simple as that. I don't know the extent of your knowledge of Veela, but I will tell you that you have until you are 18 to find her.


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If what you're telling me is true, and I have to find a 'mate' before I am 18, I have less than a year! You were lucky enough to have fate bring you two together, but how will I even know who bloody fate has chosen and what happens if I can't do it? Won't I die a slow, painful, death? That's not fair, I didn't choose this!


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Don't be angry with me. I really did hope that it wouldn't be like this. But I have faith in you, dear. You'll know the one when you see her, and based on what you've told me, that should be soon enough.

With love,


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Draco's POV

I put down the undoubtedly last letter I would receive from her on the subject. I was in utter and complete shock. That couldn't be all she had to tell me! I looked at the clock on the desk. It was 8:00. It was almost 2 hours since dinner ended, and the library didn't close for another 2. I grabbed a book bag from off the chair, and darted out of the common room. I had to find out more.

I opened the library door perhaps a little too fast, and it opened and slammed against the wall. Pince's sharp eyes looked me up and down and she shushed me. I rolled my eyes, and took to the shelves. I felt I had looked though every one until I found the V's. I scanned each book. There was nothing on Veela's. What the hell? I guess I would have to ask Madam Pince.

I approached her desk carefully. She suddenly averted her eyes up from her book and up at me. "Can I help you?" She drawled.

Hell, why be a librarian if you hate the job? "I was looking for something on Veela's," I explained, "I couldn't find anything."

She huffed and pointed to the other end of the library. "Restricted section, I'm afraid."

When I pointed the badge on my chest reading 'Head boy', she sighed. She reached into a drawer and handed me a key. "Please return that when you're finished."

Taking the key from her tight grip, I advanced on the restricted sections gates. I wasn't having any luck, until I heard a soft voice from behind me. "Do you need help, Draco?"

I turned. It was Loony- something, the blonde Ravenclaw that often hung around with the Golden Trio. What was she doing in the restricted section, I wondered. Anyway, I actually could have used some help. "Yeah," I answered, "I'm looking for anything I can find on-"

"Veela's," she interrupted me.

"Y-yeah," I stuttered, "How did you know?"

She smiled at me and tilted her head. "I just assumed. You must be about to come of age, right?"

I stood there, flabbergasted. I couldn't think of anything to say. "But... how did you know I was..." I probably sounded like an idiot.

Luna's smile turned dead serious. "I can tell. It's the only possible reason you're so conventionally attractive."

I smiled, but it seemed she was unaware we had complimented me, and stated browsing the shelves herself before pulling out a book and handing it to me. "Th-thanks," I managed, still staring at her.

She nodded, and was about to leave before saying, "If you should let me know when you've discovered her, I'd be grateful. I'm quite curious."

Then she turned and left, and I watched her. Wait, I thought, could it be her? No, mum said I would know it for sure. I took the book to a table and read the cover. "Dangerous Magical Creatures." I'm dangerous? I thought. Well, half dangerous, anyway. I flipped open the cover to find a list of contents. Boggarts, Harpies, Griffins, Mermaids, Werewolves, Veelas!

I flipped to page 395, and was slightly disappointed that there was only one page of information. I took a deep breath, and started with the first paragraph.

A/N: Haha,I'm reading through this three months later and wanted to point something out; I doubt many noticed, and I doubt even more that anyone would find this funny, but if Veelas are on page 395, and Werewolves are before them...

Page 394

Yeah? Nah? Maybe?

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