shopping problems

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I think I have shopping ansiety. Like seriously, which leads to some pretty funny story's to tell.

Today's story:

First I got complemented... By an elder... Because she liked my t-shirt.
She said "that's a pretty little t-shirt your wearing".
I replied with a thank you, then looked down to see that I was wear my red t-shirt with black pineapples and white / green triangles.

To be honest I really don't know why I own this. I wasn't really planning to go out either.

I just picked up 2 more bottles of water before making my way to the scanners, and that's where it happend!

I don't know if it's just me, but whenever I go on the self service machines ... They ALWAYS seem to break down.

So I scan my water... Fine
I put my 5 pound note in... Fine
I get my change.... Except I didn't.

It only came to a pound, but because I got a asda bag also, it came to 1.06.

So I put in my five pound and waited for my change.... BUT NOOO!
It could only happen to me.

I get 3 pounds 20.. And then it stops.
The 2p machine stops. The woman gives me an evil look and said " you need 2p".
I nod and she gives me 2p.
Then 64p comes out. She says " you go, I'll sort it out".

I'm on my way home when I say aloud, " that was my money".

Its fair to say I got some weird looks, but she did swizz me out of my money.

All in All, it was a good day, I only nearly got ran over once.

At least I didn't get nearly ran over by an EE man on his phone!

( I don't think it's normal to have so many near death experiences)


Right now I'm listening to my mother tell my about a comic strip artist that copied her drawing of sid the snake when she was 13... But that's a story for another time. 😁

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