12 dont you just hate...

27 3 5

1. When you go to take a picture of somthing cool, and its on the inside camera ( cringe) .

2. When you try to take a picture, but your glasses are reflecting.

3. When you go to put money in your pockets, and you realise their fake.

4. when you say, don't say anything, but somehow everyone finds out. They simply reply I only told like 5 people, it wasn't my fault 8 others heard. 😣

5. When you yawn and everyone says " what's wrong ", and your like " I'm just yawning ".

6. When your starring at a poster on a wall and the person opposite you says " why are you starring at me". ( happend way to many times)

7. When you text somone, and it goes to the wrong person. ( WHOOPS)

8. That one teacher who asks you for an answer when they know you don't have a clue.

9. When your quiet in class and the teacher keeps saying, " do you get this" and I'm like " yes".

8. when someone asks you somthing and you reply sarcastically, and for some reason they take it seriously. (why!!!)

9. When you are really confused because you heard the person wrong.
" Oh, hating cameras, I thought you said somthing about David Cameron " ( actually happend)

10. When you carnt hear what they said so you reply yes ( worst mistake ever)

11. When you walk into somthing, and you try to act cool and casual
( never works)

12. When your walking and fall over the payment, and try to cover it up by walking funny to make it look Intentional.
Comment if any of these have happend to you.

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