You Are My Blue Sky

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You are my blue sky,


"Eh? A baby?"

My only blue sky,

"HIEEE!! A mafia boss?!"

"Be honoured, Dame-Tsuna."

You make me happy,

"You smiled. I never thought you can do anything other than smirking."

"Of course I can, Dame-Tsuna."

When skies are grey.

"You don't have to act tough, Reborn. You're a human too."

"Yeah... I know..."

You'll never know dear,


"Get some rest, Dame-Tsuna. Nothing for you to see here."

How much I love you,

"What's this for?"

"Idiot. Happy birthday, Dame-Tsuna."

Please don't take,

"Shit! Get up, Tsuna! I'm not giving up on you, dammit! Not now! Don't you dare close your eyes! I'm warning you!!"

"Yeah... I hear you..."

My blue sky,

"I'm sorry, Reborn..."

"Don't you dare-!"


"Wake up... Tsuna..."

Reborn snapped opened his eyes.

Looking at his side, he could see the person he was looking for, soundly sleeping.

He quietly listened to the soft breathing of Tsuna, proving the fact that yes, he's alive.

Reborn sighed a little before going back to sleep.

The next morning, Reborn would stick himself to Tsuna like a gum, following him everywhere he go.

And Tsuna, well, he doesn't really mind it one bit.

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