Chapter 1

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The school year of Immaculate Conception School again started. But despite the happiness of the old students, hides the outermost feelings of them about the death of The Student Council President for almost 2 years in a row.

There was only one person who knew the crime that happened to Maxin, and the witness remained silent about it.

Few old students only knew that Thea witnessed the crime that happened to Maxin.

The suspect was unknown. But there were rumors that the suspects accused were:

Their Math Teacher, because he admits that Maxin was beautiful and had the complete package.

Their Janitor, because the janitor was the one who found the dead body of Maxin.

And their school guard, because, Uhm... Because they had no reason.

It became clear to Thea's old classmates that they should report to the Principal the newly found attitude of Thea.

Chris and Avy was the one who reported to their Principal, while Stella and the others took videos on Thea.

"Avy, Chris. We shall investigate Thea. I really think she is traumatized by the death of her best friend." Said by their Principal to Avy and Chris

Avy and Chris then told their friends to investigate Thea, while they are writing a report to their principal.

The group who took videos then observed Thea's mentality. They notice that Thea was just looking to the window.

After their said investigated activity, their teacher arrived and started the class with a prayer. The students greetes her. They then started their lesson for the first quarter.

"Okay class, our lesson for today is about Spirits. My first question is about Ouija Board. Does anyone of you knows what this is?" Ms. Medina stated.

The whole class responded their silence about the question. Ms. Medina is a new teacher for this school year, she still doesn't know what happened.

"Uhm... okay. If any of you know this stuff, do not ever play or touch or move it. It is really, really dangerous." The teacher once again stated

"Why is it dangerous anyway? It's not. So why not play ot touch or move it?" The whole class was full of confussion. Thea talked again.

"You are wrong, Missy! This is the most dangerous thing on earth--" Their teacher was about to start an arguement, but the bell rang.

"Okay class, you may now, take your recess." Ms. Medina said with confussion

During recess, Thea was alone and had no mate. Because of her silence, everyone avoids and pretend that she never exist.

Thea suddenly recalled the crime. She head out of the Canteen, and head to the comfort room. She cried.

Some doesn't know how sad she is. She was sad and crying because after recalling the crime, she also recalled the death threat of the suspect.

She was about to stop, but she was afraid. Her biggest fear is death.

"Don't ever tell anybody about this. If you do, You'll find yourself dead in the middle of the quadtrangle." She again began to cry

"With your head separated with your body, your heart pulled by your arm."

She realized that crying won't make her feel better. She got up, cleared her eye, and got back to her class like nothing happened.

She felt that in every water that drops from her eye, she was stabbed by a knife five times the pain.

The next day, Thea attended school. She had second thoughts on attending.

During their last class before lunch, she heard her classmates planning to play with the Ouija Board that was hidden on the cabinet, on the back of their classroom.

She then decided to join them.

"Can I join?" She asked to her planning classmates.

Her classmates didn't had second thoughts but to let her join, because she witnessed the crime.

They were all silent for 5 seconds, and Gailey answered her question. "Sure. Come, Sit Down." The other five friend of Gailey was shocked by what Gailey said to Thea.

They began their plans. Thea was a little out of place, because she didn't have any close friends during the planning.

The bell rang and they got home for lunch. Those 6 girls that were planning, invited four boys from different section for their said activity.

After one month, they have concluded that they will do their activity on August 17, the day before Maxin's death.

August 16, they had prayer vigil and attended a mass for them not to be injured or death.

Thea was the only one who didn't join the prayer vigil. Her "new friends" asked her why didn't she joined.

She only answered "I know I will be safe." Once again, her new friends was shocked by what she responded.

August 17 came and some felt that they want to back out. But according to Katie's grandmother, if you back out on a planned activity, especially an activity about Ouija Board, you will be dead on the day after the activity was done.

12 am came. They were all scared. Nobody noticed that they hid on comfort rooms of their school. Not even the personnels.

They all started the activity. They placed the photo of Maxin into the upper right side of the board.

Gianne from the other section thought that it will never come to life, because the board that they will use is made out of cardboard.

But he was horrified of what happened. The planchette moved.

And things got a little bit more exciting. When their said activity has totally gone wrong.

"Now, everyone... No one shall ever remove their hands from the board, because it is really dangerous as what Ms. Medina has said." The Principal guided them.

"Who are you, and what do you want from us?" Chris shouted. He was the leader of the activity. And it was facilitate by their principal

The planchette moved slowly and slowly. It moved into letters that formed "Maxin is here."

The planchette stopped moving for few seconds and then started to move again.

It formed "I need you all to give me justice or everyone will die."

Everyone paused their breathes.

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