5. Remembering a Day

Start from the beginning

"Uh yes. She's here... but how do you know my sister?"

I thought it was creepy for them to know my full name so I walked beside Juancho and saw the two boys clearly. The blond had bandages on his knee and arm, obviously the damage on him was worse than mine. I stared daggers at the two.

The blond stepped forward and said, "Erm.. I want to say sorry... you know for what happened in the park..."

"Wait," Juancho interrupted. "It was you who did this to my sister?!" He bellowed, pointing to my knee.

Yay. The big brother's becoming a real big brother.

"I... It was a one way road and she just came on a bike and I couldn't stop.. I'm so sorry man...I didn't mean to crash on her. It was an accident." The blond explained.

"Don't apologize to me, man", Juancho said calmly. "But you best make amends to Emilia here, 'cause she's the one who'll have your head."

"Thanks, kuya. I think I can take it from here," I told Juancho as I pushed him back inside the house. I went back to the blond and his curly-haired friend.

"You never really answered my brother's question. How exactly did you know my name?"

"We're classmates in Algebra, Mrs. Piper's class? I'm Steven Adler." The blond said.

I nodded. "Steven Adler... I think I remember you. You're always left for detention, yes?"

Steven  and his friend chuckled. "Man, that's how she knows you. The kid in detention... I'm Saul by the way, but people call me Slash" Steven's friend held out his hand which I reluctantly took and shook.

"How's your knee?" I heard Saul ask.

"Oh. Not bad I think so," I muttered. "How's yours, Stevie?"

"Mine's kinda deep, actually. But it's my arm that's hurting." Steven said. "I really saw some blood and Saul had to help me get home."

"Sorry I wasn't able to help you. If I could only help both of you, I would. It's just that Steven was a lot of worse than you." Saul said which was almost a mumble.

I smiled at them. "No worries. We're cool."

Steven grabbed something from one of the pockets of his cargo pants. "I reckon this belongs to you," he gave me the bonnet.

"Gee, thanks! I thought I lost it." I threw the bonnet inside. "Looks like they've found your beloved hat, big brother."

"Emilia, are you doing anything today?" Steven asked.

I shook my head. "Why?"

"Well... uhm... we were... well I was wondering..." his buffering sounded funny. "God my arm hurts... tell her Slash!"

"Fancy going to McDonald's with us, girl?" Saul was straight to the point. "We're not gentlemen if we're not gonna make it up to you."

"I'll go with y'all then."

Steven clapped his hands, "That's swell! You can ride on Slash's bike, I'm confident he won't crash."

Saul grinned in agreement.

Maybe I should get used to having scratches when I hang out with these two. "Hold on guys. I'll go get my backpack."

"You mean you're going out with those locos you just met? Look what they did to you!"

"But they already said they're sorry! Besides, they're awfully nice. Just chill, big bro."

"Why can't you just play with your girlfriends?"

"They've different idea of playtime. If you hadn't noticed, I've going around by myself these past few days!" And it's not everyday you get to crash on people and be in good terms with them. "Please, Juancho! You both know I hate being stuck here!"

"Don't you dare go with them or I'm gonna tell Mama." Juancho tried to threaten me which I expected beforehand.

"Okay. I'm sure Mama would love to know that you took $25 from her wallet so you could buy yourself some Malboro's and god-knows-what. Did she know that you smoke 1 and a half packs a day too?"

Juancho's face paled. It sure is fun to play the bad guy in the movies sometimes.

"Don't do this, neneng. I just don't want you to get hurt. Papa said some American kids are bad news-- doing drugs and gang fights and all that stuff."

"They're not bad news, kuya. If it makes you feel better, you can go have a "chat" with them."

"Alright then," Juancho sighed. "Just make sure you bring your pepper spray with you."

"I will."

I went out of the house with Juancho and Miguel following behind. We decided to go on our ways separately for a few hours and come back before Mama finds out we've been gone.

Steven and Saul were waiting. Saul was already on his bike. "Yo guys!" I approached them. "My brother wants to have a word to you before we beat it."

I held Miguel and we both watched as Juancho tried to intimidate the two.

"Ate, where are you going?" Miguel asked.

"I'm gonna buy a box of donuts just for you," I told him.

"Okay men, you gotta promise me you're gonna bring back my baby sis in one piece. Or else," I heard Juancho says to them but he was really speaking to Steven.

The two boys nodded attentively. Juancho's really nice for a brother despite his stocky appearance.

"Holy cow! Is that a 1975 Panda Shocker? That's cool man!" Now he was talking to Saul about bicycles. Sooner or later he would ask our parents for a new brand of racing bike.

"Okay kuya, I'm afraid I'll have to steal your best buds for a while. They've got to make it up for me, remember?"

"Right." Juancho said, taking Miguel's hand as they began to leave for the comic store. "See y'all soon. Be back before dark, Emilia!"

"Bye, ate!" Miguel shouted.

I waved at them and turned to Saul and Steven. "Come on, Vamonos! Everybody let's go!"

We exchanged looks then snickered. I knew from that day then that the three of us would become inseparable. That was the one and only moment that I was thankful for an accident happening to me.


loco or loko- crazy, mischievous

ate (ah-teh)- big sister

totoy- little brother, baby brother, usually a nickname for a young boy

kuya - big brother

neneng- little sister, little girl

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