Ch. 2 "A mother after all".

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Harry spent the rest of the week waiting for Niall to come out late from his music class. It worked for the both of them, Niall had the opportunity to practice more and learn new stuff and Harry, well, Harry just sat on the grass and discretely contemplated the beauty of the tattooed boy. He and his friends apparently liked to smoke on that specific wall and Harry just sat on the grass and watched, even if he absolutely hated when people smoked he couldn't bring himself to really mind because, after all, if they didn't smoke, Harry would've never met the beauty of this boy.

Niall came out of the building grinning madly, he had great news for his curly friend. Mr. Criss, Niall's music teacher had been talking to him during the lesson, one way or another they ended up talking about Harry, and it may or not may have escaped to Niall the fact that Harry fancied one of the boys who used to smoke besides the building.

The teacher just shook his head, "I really hope they quit before they get sick or something" and Niall smiled at the fact that his teacher didn't mind the fact that his best friend was probably gay.

"Yeah... me too. I don't want Harry to lose his crush so soon" Mr. Criss smiled, "You keep referring at him as 'his crush'. Do you guys even know his name?" the boy shook his head and the man chuckled.

"Oh! Young love" he said dramatically as he stopped strumming his guitar "Which one did you said he fancied?" Niall thought hard about it and then said "The short one".

Mr. Criss smiled once again, "Tell your friend that his boy has a name, Louis Tomlinson is the short one with blue eyes. He is a pretty good singer too if that matters to him someway".

After that they stopped talking and actually practiced. When Niall was behind Harry he smiled even wider, Harry was practically undressing Louis with the eyes.

"Hey, there!" he exclaimed and Harry jumped so hard his crown fell. Naturally, after that Niall was laughing so hard he ended rolling on the grass teary eyed. Harry just looked at him panting, still with a terrified look on his face.

"Hey! You- you..." Harry couldn't even come up with a good insult.

"Stop your train, flower boy!" Niall said as he calmed down. "You'll love me even more when I tell you what I have to say".

Niall didn't tell him on that moment, he waited until they were at a decent distance far away from the school. When Harry heard what he had to say he was so happy he tackled Niall in a hug that almost made them both fall.

Every day after that Harry spent his hours thinking about Louis. Louis, he liked the way it felt when he said it, not only how it echoed into his mouth, also he loved the way that it made him feel all fuzzy in the inside. He even wrote it at the end of his notebooks when the teacher couldn't see him, he liked the way it looked too, precious but not as beautiful as Louis himself.

One day Anne was sitting at the table with Harry, they were having dinner just the both of them because Gemma, Harry's older sister, was at a friend's house and she would be staying for the night.

Harry had been daydreaming a lot lately, his mother noticed and the first thought that came into her mind was "He's in love". And let's face it, she was right, as the good mother she was she always knew when something was happening in their son’s life and well, she had to know it all. After all, she was a mother.

"Harry, honey. Is there something you'd like to tell me? I mean, we have this opportunity to have a chat just the both of us. You know, without Gem interrupting us." She said and winked at his son, who just looked up at her and smiled showing his dimples.

"So... how's school? Any new friends? Maybe someone special?" she said casually as she took another bite from her cake.

Harry looked down at his own plate and played a bit with his dessert as he blushed; he nodded slowly but didn't look at Anne in the eye.

The woman just squeaked and clapped her hands together, "Oh, dear! Who's the lucky lady? I want to know everything about her!" she said excitedly.

Harry froze in his seat and whispered "Him. It's a 'he', mom". When his mother didn't say anything he begun to worry, but when he looked up she was still smiling.

"Well, then. I want to know everything about him" she said as she rested her chin on her hands. Harry grinned showing his dimples and pushed aside his plate.

"His name is Louis, and he is beautiful" he said dreamingly as his big green eyes sparkled as brightly as his whole face. Anne chuckled.

"Oh, my darling. You have it bad. I mean 'beautiful' was not the adjective I was waiting for but he must be really attractive to make you talk about him like that". She said giggling, and Harry just blushed deeply.

"Mom!" he said annoyed but he was still smiling, "He is just flawless" he said with a sigh.

"I'm sure he is, Harry" she said as she took a sip from her glass. "Why don't you help me with the dishes while you tell me more about this Louis, huh?”

And Harry did, he talked for a long time. He told his mom about Louis' beautiful blue eyes and how gentle they looked but strong at the same time; he told her about his tattoos and how elaborated some of them were; he also told her about his high pitched voice, but not in a feminine way, it was an attractive masculine high pitched voice and Anne actually laughed at the last one. She listened at her son with so much attention that sometimes the plates slipped from her hands and into the soapy water.

"So... he has a lot of tattoos and piercings?" Anne asked, she didn't want to prejudge his son's crush but the boy sounded a bit like trouble.

"I know what you're thinking" Harry said quietly as he suddenly became overly interested on how he was drying the glass in his hands, "But... I don't know, I really like him. We still don't know a lot about him, so... I don't think is right to judge".

Anne smiled, "Yes, I guess you're right. Just be careful. Okay, honey?" she said still slightly worried.

"Sure, mom. I swear. “The curly boy said solemnly at his mother.


This one was longer. WOHOO! 

Tanks for reading. Please comment, vote and the whole thing. If you do I'll love you forever. 


The flower crown. (AU. Punk!Louis-FlowerChild!Harry)Where stories live. Discover now