Ch. 1 "Being a good friend"

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It was a Sunday morning, a really lovely one. Outside, the sun was shining bright, the birds singing and the kids playing, but Harry had better things to do at the moment.
               The curly boy was sitting on his room floor, his back facing the side of his bed and around him, scattered on the floor, were multiple flowers and some other instruments he knew how to use just as they were his own hands. 
               With his eyebrows frown together in concentration and jus tongue poking out of his pink lips, Harry was, once again, making a flower crown. This time was different at the others, so much different. Usually, Harry would use natural flowers he picked from his backyard, his mother loved flowers almost as much as he did and they have a pretty good collection in their garden.

                At first, when he was younger, Harry’s mom wouldn't let him cut the flowers and when he did she would lecture him about how, if he did it again, she would ground him; after a while, when Anne realized how cautiously Harry looked at the flowers and the look of amazement in his face every time he touched them, she came to terms with herself that instead of lecturing him, she'll teach him how to take care of the flowers.
               But not this time, Harry was not using natural flowers, he knew that not everyone else was as careful as him with the beautiful gift from the nature he had in his big hands. Also he wanted this crown to last, his natural crowns usually lasted three days the most, but not this one. This one had to last, because this one wasn't for Harry to use, this one was a gift. 

               It all started when Harry saw him for the first time. He was sitting outside school, his friend Niall has asked him if he could wait for him until his music class was over, and Harry said yes.

               He was playing with the grass and when he moved his head to fix his flower crown he saw a group of boys smoking as they leaned against the side of the building, they were laughing loudly at something but Harry didn’t really care about what they were laughing about, he was too busy staring at one of them, the shorter one. The boy was an angel in Harry’s eyes, his hair was brown with blue streaks on his quiff, both of his arms were covered in ink that formed meticulously realized designs, and his eyes were the most beautiful shade of blue you could imagine. Actually, he was pretty much flawless, even the eyeliner around his eyes and his lip and nose piercings suited him perfectly.

               “Hey!” An Irish accent made Harry come out of his trance, he turned his head back and saw his friend Niall looking at him. Niall was a blonde boy of his age, his eyes were sparkly blue and he was always smiling.

               “Are you ready to leave?” he asked Harry as he offered his hand to help him stand up, but the curly boy was too startled to understand what the fake blonde was saying.

                “Mate, what’s wrong?” Harry couldn’t talk so he just looked in the beautiful boy’s direction.

                Niall followed his gaze and grinned “C’mon, it’s getting late” he simply said and pulled Harry up to his feet, the taller boy gathered his things and then they began walking home.

            After a while of silently walking Niall said “Which one is the one you fancy?” Harry tripped and almost fell, his eyes were as wide as plates and he has a terrified look on his face.

 Niall chuckled and patted him on the back “It is ok. I won’t tell” he said still smiling.

His friend swallowed and stuttered “T-the sh- short one.” Niall nodded and they kept on walking as if that never happened.

            When Harry got home, he went to his room and closed the door. He laid down on his bed after carefully taking off his flower crown and closed his eyes, he spend the whole evening thinking about those beautiful blue eyes and thanked the Gods for making him good friend enough to wait for Niall sitting in that spot on the grass where, with just a glare he met his first real crush.


There it is! I hope it's good, I really liked it :) 
Please comment, vote and the whole thing :D


The flower crown. (AU. Punk!Louis-FlowerChild!Harry)Where stories live. Discover now