Swamp Royalty ~Part 3~

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"What are two frogs like you out here doing with a human?"

Naveen then stopped playing and became quiet and looked towards Tiana. Tiana walked towards Louis and twiddled her thumbs.

"Well you see, Louis, we're not frogs..."

He stared at them for a long moment. "What do you mean?"

"Well....we're human..."

Louis burst into a loud and hardy laughter, so loud it caught me off guard and made me jump. "Human?! Ain't no way, y'all are frogs!"

I sighed in annoyance. "It's true!" I said.

"What? Naw? Really?"

"Yes," Tiana nodded. "I'm a waitress and Naveen is a Prince

"Whaaa-but how?"

"Naveen over here messed with the voodoo man and now we're frogs!"

"The voodoo man! Oh no no, he's a bad man with bad juju."

"But now we don't know what to do."

Louis stopped for a moment to think and then a light bulb hit him. "I know who could help! Mama Odie!"

"Mama Odie? Who's that?"

"Mama Odie is a sweet and kind old lady. She's good and is the fairy godmother of the bayou."

I stood to my feet, eager. I'd never had so much down time before. It was driving me crazy. "Yes a plan, alright, let's get a move on to Mama Bodie's."


"Odie... We have to get these two back to normal. Do you know the way Louis?" I asked,

"I sure do."

"Then lead the way."

Louis swam in front of us to take lead and I took the paddle to steer the boat.

"Boy," Tiana started. "I hope this Mama Odie can really help us, Naveen."

"Me too."

"Oh she can!" Louis said. "She's powerful!"

As time went on I continued to follow Louis and it was starting to get dark. And I'm sure everyone was exhausted by now especially Louis.

"Ok everyone, let's stop and make camp, We should all rest."

"That's fine with me." Tiana said.

I stopped the boat and tied it to a tree as I got out and took Tiana and Naveen with me. Louis got out the water and rested his back against the tree about an hour went by and the bayou started to light up with fire flies. It was beautiful, they were like Christmas lights. It made me feel relaxed, and calm. Seeing this beautiful scenery made me think of Riku. I missed him so much. I missed his smile, his laugh, and the feeling of his hand on my cheek. I wonder when I'll see him again? I laid my head back against the tree and let the scenery take me. I wonder when we'd-.

"What you thinkin' about, Ayame?" Tiana asked as she scooted next to me, smiling.

I smiled, I felt so light care free when I thought of Riku. "My boyfriend..."

"OOOOH! You got a boyfriend?! Oh yeah I see it now..."

"See what?"

"That sparkle in your eye...love will do that to ya. I always saw that same sparkle when my momma and daddy looked at each other."

"How long have y'all been together?"

"For a year. I haven't seen him for a while. I miss him."

"As long as you love each other, your hearts will bring each other back together." She said and placed a hand on my knee.

"I hope so."

"Mmm," Louis hummed. "Love is such a beautiful thing."

"It is..." Naveen agreed. "Have you ever been in love Louis?"

"I am in love! With jazz!" He then blew his trumpet again. Naveen laughed and nodded in agreement.

"I hear you there my friend!"

"Have you ever been in love, Naveen?"

"I have plenty of love for women..." Tiana rolled her eyes. "But in love? With that one special lady? No...I haven't found her yet....probably never will."

"How come?"

"Well, you see, I am broke...and I have to marry to put some money one my name."

"What?!" Tiana yelled. "How can you help me with my restaurant if your broke."

"What? No, no, no, I said my FAMILY has money and that maybe they wouldn't mind helping. That is what I said."

"That wasn't very specific though..." I said.

"Aw, Ayame? Come on, help me out here?"

"Ugh," Tiana groaned. "I can't believe I trusted you even for a moment. You can only get through this word with hard work."

It grew silent and awkward and Naveen looked pretty disappointed in himself. I decided to break the silence.

"Have you ever been in love Tiana?" I asked.

She sighed. "Nope. Never. I do hope to find love. A love strong and true like my parents."

"I'm sure you will, Tiana. I'm sure you will."

While I was chatting with Tiana, Naveen stayed quiet. Louis perked up and got excited. Goodness...all of these people are so happy and over excited. I mean, I'm all for being happy and stuff but these people are too happy. I don't know how much longer I can take it.

"Hey I wonder if Ray is here?" Louis said. "Hey Ray! You up there?!" One of the lights twinkled quickly and flew down in the blink of an eye.

"Hey there, Louis!" Ray's accent was harder, and deeper. He was a firefly that had reddish brown hair, and only had two teeth in his little mouth. "What you doing out here?"

"I'm taking these little frogs to see Mama Odie to help them turn back to humans."

"Humans? What?!" He started to laugh. "I don't believe that! Whoo! I got to tell Evangeline!"

"It's true! They gotta get back to being humans so Naveen can get his life back and Tiana can get her restaurant."

"Well I'll be! Well, if you're going to Mama Odie's why are you out here?"

"Whatcha mean?"

"Well, Mama Odie's place is on the south side of the Bayou. You going the wrong way!"

"WHAT?!" Tiana, Naveen, and I said at the same time.

Kingdom Hearts: Paralleled Hearts ~Book 2~(haitus)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt